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Published date 2020-01-02

The National Vegetation Classification (NVC) is one of the key common standards developed for the country nature conservation agencies. The original project aimed to produce a comprehensive classifica...

Ocean and climate change film

Published date 2021-06-08

To celebrate World Ocean Day 2021 today, we are proud to present a new video documenting the role the ocean plays in tackling the twin climate and biodiversity crises. In this Super Year, understandin...

The UK’s ‘Blue Belt’ of Marine Protected Areas

Published date 2021-03-26

The UK’s 'Blue Belt' of Marine Protected Areas Our seas cover 70% of the surface of the planet and support a vast array of life. Marine ecosystems perform critical functions, playing a pivotal role in...

Red lists in Great Britain

Published date 2020-06-01

Red lists are a globally recognised way of identifying the threat of extinction to species, using the internationally accepted Red List guidelines developed by the International Union for Conservation...

A Troublesome Visitor (Survey 0723S Blog #2)

Published date 2023-06-28

Found out the latest from our offshore survey team in their second blog post on their visit to the Central Fladen Marine Protected Area (Survey 0723S), onboard MRV Scotia with the Marine Directorate o...

Nature News Spring 2020

Published date 2023-06-16

The latest – Spring 2020 – of JNCC's quarterly newsletter (Nature News) is now available to view online.This edition features articles on innovation in Earth Observation, the National Plant Monitoring...

SS.SMu.SMuLS Sublittoral mud in low or reduced salinity (lagoons)

Published date 2015-03

Shallow, typically anoxic, muddy and sandy mud sediments in areas of low or reduced, although stable, salinity (may vary annually) with largely ephemeral faunal communities. Characterised by Arenicola...

LR.HLR.FR.Him Himanthalia elongata and red seaweeds on exposed to moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Exposed to moderately exposed lower eulittoral bedrock characterised by the wrack Himanthalia elongata with a dense turf of red seaweeds beneath. H. elongata may occur on tide-swept, sheltered shores ...

SS.SCS.OCS.HeloPkef Hesionura elongata and Protodorvillea kefersteini in offshore coarse sand

Published date 2015-03

Offshore (deep) circalittoral habitats with coarse sand may support populations of the interstitial polychaete Hesionura elongata with Protodorvillea kefersteini. Other notable species include the phy...

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