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CR.HCR.FaT.CTub.CuSp Tubularia indivisa and cushion sponges on tide-swept turbid circalittoral bedrock

Published date 2015-03

This variant is typically found on the vertical and upper faces of strongly tide-swept, exposed circalittoral bedrock and boulders. It is commonly associated with areas where turbidity levels are high...

CR.HCR.DpSp.PhaAxi Phakellia ventilabrum and Axinellid sponges on deep, wave- exposed circalittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

This biotope typically occurs on the upper faces of deep (commonly below 30m depth), wave-exposed circalittoral rock subject to negligible tidal streams. Although it occurs in exposed and very exposed...

IR.FIR.SG.CC.BalSpi Balanus crenatus and/or Spirobranchus triqueter with spirorbid worms and coralline crusts on severely-scoured vertical infralittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Severely scoured bedrock in wave-surged caves, tunnels or gullies often looks rather bare, and may be characterised by a limited scour-tolerant fauna of Balanus crenatus and/or Spirobranchus triqueter...

LR.FLR.Rkp Rockpools

Published date 2015-03

Rockpools occur where the topography of the shore allows seawater to be retained within depressions in the bedrock producing 'pools' on the retreat of the tide. As these rockpool communities are perma...

LS.LSa.MoSa Barren or amphipod-dominated mobile sand shores

Published date 2015-03

Shores consisting of clean mobile sands (coarse, medium and some fine-grained), with little very fine sand, and no mud present. Shells and stones may occasionally be present on the surface. The sand m...

CR.MCR.EcCr.CarSwi.LgAs Caryophyllia smithii, Swiftia pallida and large solitary ascidians on exposed or moderately exposed circalittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

This variant typically occurs on exposed to moderately wave-exposed, circalittoral bedrock and boulders rock subject to mainly weak tidal streams and has a thin layer of silt present. It is found pred...

CR.FCR.Cv Circalittoral caves and overhangs

Published date 2015-03

Caves and overhanging rock in the circalittoral zone, away from significant influence of strong wave action (compare FIR.SG). This habitat may be colonised by a wide variety of species, with sponges s...

SS.SMx.IMx Infralittoral mixed sediment

Published date 2015-03

Shallow mixed (heterogeneous) sediments in fully marine or near fully marine conditions, supporting various animal-dominated communities, with relatively low proportions of seaweeds. This habitat may ...

SS.SMx.SMxVS Sublittoral mixed sediment in variable salinity (estuaries)

Published date 2015-03

Shallow sublittoral mixed sediments in estuarine conditions, often with surface shells or stones, enabling the development of diverse epifaunal communities, e.g. Crepidula fornicata (SS.SMx.SMxVS.CreM...

CR.LCR.BrAs.NovPro Novocrania anomala and Protanthea simplex on sheltered circalittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

This biotope typically occurs in full to variable salinity conditions on very wave-sheltered circalittoral bedrock and boulder slopes subject to negligible tidal streams (this tends to be in the landw...

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