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2320 page results

Peter Chaniotis – Marine Ecosystems Team

Published date 2019-06-05

When did you start at JNCC? I started work at JNCC in October 2009. What is your role in JNCC? I am currently one of the Marine Ecosystems Team Leaders working alongside two others. The work portfolio...

JNCC publishes guidelines for robot marine monitoring platforms

Published date 2021-03-26

JNCC publishes guidelines for robot marine monitoring platforms JNCC has published guidelines for two of the latest sampling platforms for marine benthic monitoring, Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) ...

JNCC Bulletin December 2020

Published date 2021-01-15

The latest (December 2020) Bulletin is now available to view online, and provides updates on some of our recent work and projects. This edition features the Joint Cetacean Data Programme, our particip...

JNCC Bulletin October 2021

Published date 2021-11-17

The latest (October 2021) edition of our Bulletin is now available, and provides an update on some of our recent projects and activities, both in the UK and internationally, in a short at-a-glance for...

JNCC wins GIG award

Published date 2021-05-28

We are delighted to announce that JNCC’s Copernicus User Uptake Project (UK Action) was a winner in the Operational Delivery category at the Geography in Government Awards 2021.  Lynn Heeley, our Tech...

Launch of the OWSMRF continuation

Published date 2021-08-04

An industry-led forum examining how large-scale offshore wind developments can affect marine birds is being launched today. The Offshore Wind Strategic Monitoring and Research Forum (OWSMRF) has been ...

SMP update

Published date 2022-07-04

Today, the Seabird Monitoring Programme is changing. JNCC has formed a partnership with the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). This has changed t...

Butterfly trend statistics 2021

Published date 2022-10-13

Official Statistics for combined trends in butterflies in the UK between 1976 and 2021 were published by Defra on Thursday 13 October 2022, showing how habitat specialist species and species of the wi...

New Joint Committee members appointed

Published date 2022-04-25

First published 28 March, updated 25 April 2022* Defra has announced the appointment of Catherine Denholm and Tom Meagher as independent members of our Joint Committee. The appointments were made by D...

Page Not Found

Published date 2019-06-25

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