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LR.FLR.Rkp.Cor.Cys Cystoseira spp. in eulittoral rockpools

Published date 2015-03

Eulittoral rockpools on exposed to moderately exposed south-western shores dominated by the brown alga Cystoseira spp. (including Cystoseira tamariscifolia), coralline crusts and Corallina officinalis...

LR.FLR.Eph Ephemeral green or red seaweed communities (freshwater or sand-influenced)

Published date 2015-03

Ephemeral seaweeds on disturbed littoral rock in the lower to upper shore. Dominant green seaweeds include Ulva intestinalis, Ulva lactuca and the red seaweeds Rhodothamniella floridula and Porphyra p...

LR.FLR.Rkp.Cor.Bif Bifurcaria bifurcata in shallow eulittoral rockpools

Published date 2015-03

Eulittoral rockpools in south-west Britain on very exposed to moderately exposed shores dominated by the brown seaweed Bifurcaria bifurcata and encrusting coralline algae and Corallina officinalis. Ke...

SS.SMu.OMu.ForThy Foraminiferans and Thyasira sp. in deep circalittoral fine mud

Published date 2015-03

In deep water and soft muds of Boreal and Arctic areas, a community dominated by foraminiferans and the bivalve Thyasira sp. (e.g. T. croulinensis and T. pygmaea) may occur (Thorson 1957; Künitzer et...

LR.HLR.MusB.Sem.LitX Semibalanus balanoides and Littorina spp. on exposed to moderately exposed eulittoral boulders and cobbles

Published date 2015-03

Large patches of boulders, cobbles and pebbles in the eulittoral zone on exposed to moderately exposed shores colonised by the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides and, on larger rocks, the limpet Patella ...

LR.LLR.FVS.FspiVS Fucus spiralis on sheltered variable salinity upper eulittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Sheltered to extremely sheltered upper eulittoral bedrock or mixed substrata (boulders, large cobbles or shells on mud) in variable salinity conditions characterised by a band of the spiral wrack Fucu...

CR Circalittoral rock (and other hard substrata)

Published date 2015-03

Circalittoral rock is present all around the coast of the United Kingdom, and is characterised by animal dominated communities (a departure from the algae dominated communities in the infralittoral zo...

SS.SSa.SSaLS Sublittoral sand in low or reduced salinity (lagoons)

Published date 2015-03

Shallow sand and muddy sand in areas of low or reduced, although relatively stable salinity (may vary annually), with largely ephemeral faunal communities. The species are often similar to that found ...

SS.SMp.SSgr.Rup Ruppia maritima in reduced salinity infralittoral muddy sand

Published date 2015-03

In sheltered brackish muddy sand and mud, beds of Ruppia maritima and more rarely Ruppia spiralis may occur. These beds may be populated by fish such as Gasterosteus aculeatus which is less common on ...

LR.FLR.CvOv.VmucHil Verrucaria mucosa and/or Hildenbrandia rubra on upper to mid shore cave walls

Published date 2015-03

The upper walls and ceilings of the entrances and inner reaches of upper shore caves affected by direct wave action (and therefore moistened by sea spray), characterised by a mosaic of the olive green...

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