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2308 page results

Monitoring impulsive noise in UK waters

Published date 2021-03-15

Monitoring impulsive noise in UK waters – developing the Marine Noise Registry Underwater noise from human activities can affect marine organisms from fish to marine mammals in a variety of ways, from...

A Natural Capital Approach to Landscape Planning: a Pilot Project in Colchagua Valley, Chile

Published date 2021-03-11

JNCC teamed up with Chilean colleagues at the Programa Vino, Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad  (VCCB, Wine, Climate Change and Biodiversity Programme) – a scientific initiative of the Institute of Eco...

Marine Messages II

Published date 2023-06-09

JNCC has led on the production of the ‘Biodiversity in Europe's Seas’ report, as a core partner within the European Topic Centre for Inland, Coastal and Marine waters (ETC-ICM), a consortium of 18 age...

Woodland Carbon Code

Published date 2021-11-01

The Woodland Carbon Code is the UK’s government backed standard for woodland carbon projects, providing the mechanism for landowners to attract carbon funding to support woodland creation projects on ...

Pitcairn Island #Blog2

Published date 2020-01-21

Mission accomplished! Hello once more from Pitcairn Island, where we have completed our survey work and will shortly begin our return to the UK.We’ve had a great week on the water here and have seen l...

Arriving at Offshore Overfalls - Blog #2

Published date 2019-01-07

And we’re off! The JNCC and Cefas crew have joined the RV Cefas Endeavour and set sail for Offshore Brighton and Offshore Overfalls Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs). After a transit hugging the coastl...

Celebrating JNCC's inspirational women on International Women's Day 2021

Published date 2021-03-08

On international Women’s Day 2021, one of our very own inspirational women, Chief Scientist Professor Christine Maggs, talks about one of the women who inspired her, and celebrates some of the achieve...

Returning to the Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt (1121S)

Published date 2021-08-12

As part of JNCC’s remit to monitor the condition of the UK’s offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), offshore being beyond 12 nautical miles from shore, we will soon be embarking on a survey of the Fa...

2019 Breeding Bird Survey

Published date 2023-06-09

The latest Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) report – The Breeding Bird Survey 2019 – covering population trends for the UK’s bird species has been released today. This report is a celebration of the dedicat...

Climate-smart MPAs report

Published date 2023-06-09

Today sees the launch of 'Developing the evidence-base to support 'climate-smart' decision making around Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)', a report produced by our experts working on behalf of UK Govern...

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