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2320 page results

LR.FLR.Lic.Pra Prasiola stipitata on nitrate-enriched supralittoral or littoral fringe rock

Published date 2015-03

Exposed to moderately exposed bedrock and large boulders in the supralittoral and littoral fringe that receives nitrate enrichment from nearby roosting sea birds and is characterised by a band or patc...

LR.FLR Features of littoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Littoral rock features includes lichens and algae crusts (LIC) in the supralittoral zone and rockpools (Rkp), ephemeral algae (Eph) and caves (CvOv) in the intertidal zone (the area of the shore betwe...

CR.HCR.XFa.SpAnVt Sponges and anemones on vertical circalittoral bedrock

Published date 2015-03

This biotope is found on exposed to moderately wave exposed , vertical and overhanging, circalittoral bedrock, subject to strong through to weak tidal streams. This biotope is characterised by a mixed...

LR.HLR.MusB.MytB Mytilus edulis and barnacles on very exposed eulittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

On very exposed to exposed rocky shores the eulittoral zone, particularly the mid and lower shore, is typically characterised by patches of small individuals of the mussel Mytilus edulis interspersed ...

SS.SBR.SMus Sublittoral mussel beds (on sublittoral sediment)

Published date 2015-03

Sublittoral mussel beds comprised of either the horse mussel Modiolus modiolus or the common mussel Mytilus edulis. These communities may be sublittoral extensions of littoral reefs or exist independe...

LR.LLR Low energy littoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Sheltered to extremely sheltered rocky shores with very weak to weak tidal streams are typically characterised by a dense cover of fucoid seaweeds which form distinct zones (the wrack Pelvetia canalic...

SS.SMp.Mrl.Pcal Phymatolithon calcareum maerl beds in infralittoral clean gravel or coarse sand

Published date 2015-03

Maerl beds characterised by Phymatolithon calcareum in gravels and sands. Associated epiphytes may include algae such as Dictyota dichotoma, Halarachnion ligulatum, Metacallophyllis laciniata, Cryptop...

LR.HLR.FR.RPid Ceramium sp. and piddocks on eulittoral fossilised peat

Published date 2015-03

Outcrops of fossilised peat in the eulittoral are soft enough to allow a variety of piddocks such as Barnea candida and Petricolaria pholadiformis to bore into them. The surface of the peat can be cha...

IR.HIR.KFaR.Ala.Ldig Alaria esculenta and Laminaria digitata on exposed sublittoral fringe bedrock

Published date 2015-03

Exposed sublittoral fringe bedrock characterised by a mixture of the kelps Laminaria digitata and Alaria esculenta with an understorey of red seaweeds including Palmaria palmata and Corallina officina...

LR.FLR.Rkp.H Hydroids, ephemeral seaweeds and Littorina littorea in shallow eulittoral mixed substrata pools

Published date 2015-03

Shallow pools on mixed cobbles, pebbles, gravel and sand characterised by abundant hydroids. Species present may include Obelia geniculata, O. dichotoma, O. longissima, Sertularia cupressina, Tublaria...

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