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Severe weather announcement

Published date 2022-12-21

As a result of the improved weather conditions, today (Wednesday 21 December 2022), the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has lifted the call for restraint in the shooting of wa...

JNCC leads support for the world's largest trans-national MPA network

Published date 2022-05-09

JNCC is leading support for the creation of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor, which is set to become the largest trans-national MPA network of its kind in the world. Protected under the ac...

Cumbria BogLIFE Project

Published date 2021-11-01

The Cumbria BogLIFE Project was a five-year (2014 to 2019) Natural England project, aimed at restoring three lowland raised bog sites within Cumbria. Overview The project Environmental and societal be...

Protecting our seas

Published date 2023-01-05

A new online platform which assesses the condition of Scotland’s marine environment and the human activity it supports has been launched. More than 250 scientists have contributed to Scotland’s Marine...

Greater Wash SPA

Published date 2020-05-11

Status: Special Protection Area (SPA) The Greater Wash SPA lies along the east coast of England in the mid–southern North Sea and extends between the counties of Yorkshire (to the north) and Suffolk (...

Nitrogen Futures News

Published date 2020-05-15

PRESS RELEASE   Nitrogen pollution from the air is a major driver of biodiversity loss in the UK. Around 60% of the UK’s nature conservation sites and 17% (42,400 km2) of the UK’s total landmass are t...

Pobie Bank Reef Blog #2

Published date 2020-08-28

We arrived at Pobie Bank Reef on Sunday evening and have this week mostly been collecting photos and videos of the seabed using the MRV Scotia’s drop-down camera system. These data help us to understa...

What does the ocean do for you? Introducing the concept of marine natural capital

Published date 2021-06-04

Think for a moment about how the ocean is important to us. The first things that come to mind might be quite general; maybe you think of the ocean as the source of fish, crab, lobster, mussels, and of...


Published date 2019-04-08

Good policy-making, planning, development and risk management all depend on good advice, based on reliable and up-to-date evidence on biodiversity status and trends, as well as an understanding of the...

Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic Areas (ACCOBAMS)

Published date 2019-05-02

As with other cetaceans worldwide, the whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the Mediterranean and Black Seas move between their breeding, feeding and over-wintering ranges, or follow their prey over lon...

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