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2320 page results

IR.HIR High energy infralittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Rocky habitats in the infralittoral zone subject to exposed to extremely exposed wave action or strong tidal streams. Typically the rock supports a community of kelp Laminaria hyperborea with foliose ...

LS.LBR.LMus.Myt.Mu Mytilus edulis beds on littoral mud

Published date 2015-03

Dense mussel beds found in sheltered conditions on mud. There is a build up of pseudofaeces that results in a bed that is very soft to walk on, and sediment which is anoxic to the surface. Pools are o...

SS.SMx.CMx.ClloMx.Nem Cerianthus lloydii with Nemertesia spp. and other hydroids in circalittoral muddy mixed sediment

Published date 2015-03

In sheltered muddy sandy gravel with appreciable quantities of surficial cobbles, pebbles and shells a community similar to SS.SMx.CMx.ClloMx may develop with frequent Cerianthus lloydii and other bur...

LR.FLR.CvOv.RpurCla Rhodochorton purpureum and Cladophora rupestris on upper to mid-shore cave walls

Published date 2015-03

Vertical and steeply-sloping upper walls at the entrances and inner reaches of upper to mid-shore caves that are partially sheltered from direct wave action characterised by a turf of the 'velvety' re...

SS.SCS.SCSVS Sublittoral coarse sediment in variable salinity (estuaries)

Published date 2015-03

Clean gravels that occur in the upper reaches of marine inlets, especially estuaries, where water movement is sufficiently strong to remove the silt content of the sediment. The habitat typically lack...

LR.FLR.CvOv.BarCv Barren and/or boulder-scoured littoral cave walls and floors

Published date 2015-03

Mid and upper shore mobile boulders/cobbles on cave floors and the lower reaches of cave walls which are subject to scour are generally devoid of macro-fauna and flora. However, where light is availab...

LR.LLR.FVS.PelVS Pelvetia canaliculata on sheltered variable salinity littoral fringe rock

Published date 2015-03

Lower littoral fringe bedrock or stable boulders and mixed substrata on very sheltered to extremely sheltered variable salinity shores characterised by a dense cover of the wrack Pelvetia canaliculata...

SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatCho Saccharina latissima and Chorda filum on sheltered upper infralittoral muddy sediment

Published date 2015-03

Shallow kelp community found on sandy mud and gravelly sandy mud, in sheltered or extremely sheltered conditions, with very weak tidal currents. The community is characterised by a reasonable covering...

CR.FCR.FouFa Circalittoral fouling faunal communities

Published date 2015-03

This biotope complex contains two biotopes which, although have different physical habitat characteristics, share the fact that they colonise new areas of artificial substrata relatively quickly. The ...

LS.LBR.LMus.Myt.Sa Mytilus edulis beds on littoral sand

Published date 2015-03

This sub-biotope occurs on mid to lower shore sand and muddy sand. Mussels Mytilus edulis grow attached to shell debris and live cockles Cerastoderma edule, forming patches of mussels on consolidated ...

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