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International reporting

Published date 2019-04-17

The UK is a signatory to a number of international commitments to protect biodiversity, including the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Bern Convention, the Ramsar Convention, the Conventi...

Declan Tobin – Marine Species Team and Marine Management Team

Published date 2021-05-07

When did you start at JNCC? May 2010 What is your role in JNCC? I am a Team Leader jointly leading both the Marine Species and Marine Management Teams. The work we are involved with is highly varied, ...


Published date 2022-05-25

The formal advice on the 7th Quinquennial Review of Schedule 5 and Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 was sent to the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Nature Recov...

Angola's Afromontane forests

Published date 2021-03-15

Angola's Afromontane forests JNCC's Ant Maddock recently spent a week in Angola working on a project to restore an area of Afromontane forest. The project is helping the villagers of Kanjonde, who are...

Corporate information

Published date 2019-05-23

We manage our affairs efficiently and transparently. We have robust arrangements in place to provide clarity and accountability in the way we manage the organisation and deliver our work. It also ensu...

Marine habitat data product: Habitat Suitability Models

Published date 2022-08-24

JNCC is leading on the development of several indicators that will help to assess progress towards achieving Good Environmental Status under the UK Marine Strategy. Some of these indicators require in...

National Museums Scotland Blog#2

Published date 2020-02-07

Behind the scenes at the Museum On our first day at the museum (see National Museums Scotland Blog#1 for background), we were briefed on what exactly we would be doing for the week. The specimens we ...

Pollinator Monitoring Partnership update

Published date 2023-03-17

A new pollinator monitoring partnership agreement has recently been signed between JNCC and UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH). The agreement ensures the continuation of the UK Pollinator Mon...

Survey Species (Survey 0922S Blog #3)

Published date 2022-09-06

Working at sea for extended periods of time has its challenges but is also incredibly rewarding. The long shifts may tire out our bodies, but our minds are truly engaged and overwhelmed with the wonde...

JNCC Bulletin August–September 2022

Published date 2022-10-26

The latest (August/September 2022) edition of our Bulletin is now available and provides an update on some of our recent projects and activities, both in the UK and internationally, in a short at-a-gl...

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