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186 page results for 'fisheries options paper'

Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia (IOSEA Marine Turtle MoU)

Published date 2019-05-02

wide range of threats to marine turtles, including habitat destruction, direct harvesting and trade, fisheries

Turks & Caicos Islands Marine-Coastal Management

Published date 2023-12-08

Conserving tropical marine ecosystems in TCI through science-based fisheries management (DPLUS153, SAERI-led

JNCC consultations

Published date 2023-12-11

Recent consultation responses JNCC's response to the consultation on the Nature Recovery Green Paper

Maldivian MPA review published

Published date 2023-02-06

which is home to a rich array of marine life and is essential to the main industries of tourism and fisheries

Natural Capital in the South Atlantic Overseas Territories

Published date 2019-08-23

– Argentine Shortfin Squid Value Chain Analysis (June 2019) Falkland Islands – Adding Value to the Fisheries


Published date 2019-04-09

Development of models to understand different land-use options

Professor Peter Higgins

Published date 2022-10-25

Following an early career as an environmental scientist, freshwater and fisheries biologist, which included

East of Haig Fras MPA

Published date 2024-04-19

Please be advised that, as of 22 March 2024, new fisheries management measures are in force for East ... For more information about what these fisheries measures are please see MMO Statutory guidance for the

Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP)

Published date 2019-05-02

The most critical of these is the mortality caused by longline and trawl fisheries in both domestic and

Revisiting Wyville Thomson... Fridge! Blog #6

Published date 2018-09-13

Its favourable depth range coincides with high-levels of deep-sea fisheries making it vulnerable to capture

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