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2308 page results

UK State of Nature 2019 report

Published date 2023-06-09

The UK State of Nature Report 2019 is now available.  The report uses information from many data providers to identify overall change in abundance and distribution for a range of species. These source...

April edition of JNCC Bulletin

Published date 2021-03-15

The April Edition of the JNCC Bulletin is now available online

LET Guide published

Published date 2020-12-17

We have recently published our new guide on measuring the impacts of trade on the environment – The LET (Linking Environment to Trade) Guide. Funded by Defra, this new guide takes a high-level look at...

Common Standards Monitoring

Published date 2019-05-02

Common Standards Monitoring was developed to provide an agreed approach to the assessment of condition on statutory sites designated through UK legislation and international agreements. Common Standar...

Marine monitoring resources

Published date 2019-05-15

JNCC produces and collates cost-effective and robust monitoring methods for use in the UK Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Programme. We work closely with our partners in government and academia to deve...


Published date 2020-11-06

JNCC’s new Terrestrial Biodiversity Evidence Strategy highlights the importance of 'developing capacity in biodiversity recording', including an objective 'to evaluate and apply new technologies'. The...


Published date 2021-04-07

Every five years, the country nature conservation bodies in Great Britain (Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, and NatureScot), working through JNCC, are required to review Schedules 5 and 8 of ...

LS.LSa.MoSa.AmSco Amphipods and Scolelepis spp. in littoral medium-fine sand

Published date 2015-03

Mobile clean sandy beaches on exposed and moderately exposed shores, with sediment grain sizes ranging from medium to fine, often with a fraction of coarser sediment. The sediment contains little or n...

SS.SSa.IMuSa.SsubNhom Spisula subtruncata and Nephtys hombergii in shallow muddy sand

Published date 2015-03

In shallow non-cohesive muddy sands, in fully marine conditions, a community characterised by the bivalve Spisula subtruncata and the polychaete Nephtys hombergii may occur. The sediments in which thi...

LS.LMu.UEst.Hed.Ol Hediste diversicolor and oligochaetes in littoral mud

Published date 2015-03

A species-poor community found in mud or slightly sandy mud in low salinity conditions, typically at the head of estuaries. The infauna is dominated by the ragworm Hediste diversicolor which is typica...

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