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2308 page results

M.AtLB.Mu.UrcCom Urchin dominated community on Atlantic lower bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

This broad community contains biotopes that are dominated by urchins and occurs on sediment. The species of urchin and associated species varies with depth and substrate type. On Atlantic lower bathy...

M.ArMB.Mu Arctic mid bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

Deep-sea mud sediments have a diverse infaunal community dominated by polychaetes. Epifauna tend to be sparse, mobile species, but aggregations of erect fauna such as glass sponges, seapens and soft c...

SS.SCS.ICS.HchrEdw Halcampa chrysanthellum and Edwardsia timida on sublittoral clean stone gravel

Published date 2015-03

Periodically disturbed sublittoral stone gravel with small pebbles characterised by the presence of the anemones Halcampa chrysanthellum and Edwardsia timida. Associated species are often typical of a...

M.AtLB.Sa.UrcCom Urchin dominated community on Atlantic lower bathyal sand

Published date 2015-03

This broad community contains biotopes that are dominated by urchins and occurs on sediment. The species of urchin and associated species varies with depth and substrate type. On Atlantic mid bathyal...

M.AtLB.Mu.SolScl Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic lower bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

This broad community is characterised by dense aggregations of solitary cup corals (Caryophylliidae and / or Flabellidae) on sediments including mud and sandy mud and coarse sediments. The species com...

M.ArLB.Sa Arctic lower bathyal sand

Published date 2015-03

Deep-sea sand sediments have a diverse infaunal community dominated by polychaetes. Epifauna tend to be sparse, mobile species, or burrowing fauna such as anemones and brittlestars visible at the surf...

M.AtMB.Mu.EreCor.AcaArb Acanella arbuscula assemblage on Atlantic mid bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

This biotope is composed of dense aggregations of the Isidid octocoral Acanella arbuscula on sandy silts and fine grained oozes. It is likely to be functionally similar to a seapen field. Gage (1986)...

M.AtMB.Sa.UrcCom.GraAcu Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus assemblage on Atlantic mid bathyal sand

Published date 2015-03

This biotope consists of aggregations of Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus (previously Echinus acutus norvegicus) on sand substrate. The same epifaunal assemblage is also found on mud and sand in the up...

M.AtMB.Co.CriCom Crinoid dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal coarse sediment

Published date 2015-03

This broad community contains assembages where crinoids dominate the fauna. Crinoid assemblages are found typically in areas with higher current speeds that facilitate filter feeding, such as the shel...

M.AtMB.Ro.MixCor Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic mid bathyal rock and other hard substrata

Published date 2015-03

This broad community contains those biotopes where corals dominate but do not form a living coral reef. A mixture of different coral types can be present. Associated species are similar to 'sparse enc...

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