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2311 page results

Chile Viticulture - project introduction

Published date 2019-08-14

The Natural Capital Approach to Landscape Planning: a Pilot Project in Colchagua Valley, builds upon long-standing work undertaken by Wine, Climate Change and Biodiversity Programme and partner vineya...

Marine Pressures and Impacts

Published date 2019-04-29

Coastal and marine ecosystems are subject to pressures associated with a variety of human activities. Impacts Concern over the possible impacts of anthropogenic pressures on these ecosystems has led t...

VSAS Resources

Published date 2020-07-21

These resources are for those taking part in JNCC’s Volunteer Seabirds at Sea (VSAS) survey programme but would also be useful to anyone using ESAS or any other distance sampling method to conduct bir...

Marine habitats and offshore industries

Published date 2020-05-06

JNCC's Role JNCC provides nature conservation advice throughout all stages of the licensing process for offshore developments to Government, regulators, industry, consultants and many others. This inc...

UK SPA & Ramsar (Avian) Scientific Working Group

Published date 2019-06-26

The SPA & Ramsar (Avian) Scientific Working Group (SPAR SWG) was established by Defra in November 2001 to provide scientific advice on matters relating to the UK Special Protection Area network.  ...

Offshore Seabird Monitoring Training

Published date 2020-06-26

To ensure the collection of high quality and standardised data, JNCC offers training in offshore seabird surveillance for both the Volunteer Seabirds at Sea (VSAS) citizen science programme and for co...

Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats (EUROBATS)

Published date 2019-05-02

Many bat species migrate. For some species these movements may be local; for others they may involve distances of thousands of miles, crossing national borders. Some European bat populations have unde...

Marine Conservation Zones

Published date 2019-12-02

Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) are a type of marine protected area that can be designated in English, Welsh and Northern Irish territorial and offshore waters. MCZs protect a range of nationally im...

West Sands Dune Management

Published date 2021-11-01

The West Sands Dune Management project is a large-scale sand dune restoration management project, working with coastal habitats to provide natural adaptation solutions to extreme weather and sea-level...

MPA Fisheries Management Toolkit

Published date 2020-04-28

The aim of the MPA Fisheries Management Toolkit is to provide a resource for those involved in, and affected by, fisheries management decision-making, laying out the key elements to consider in establ...

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