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2311 page results

Offshore Survey commencing in the English Channel

Published date 2017-04-19

Today (19th April 2017), JNCC and Cefas have embarked on a survey of Wight-Barfleur Reef cSAC/SCI (Annex I Reef) and Bassurelle Sandbank cSAC/SCI (Annex I ‘Sandbanks which are slightly covered by seaw...

HPAI in UK Seabirds

Published date 2022-08-25

Bird Flu (HPAI H5N1) is circulating in wild birds, especially breeding seabirds around our coasts and has caused significant mortality in some species, such as Great Skua and Gannet. It’s likely that ...

Getting beneath the skin of animals on survey Blog#7

Published date 2019-06-12

As part of the sampling work the team have been carrying out, we have been collecting samples to support the work of our colleagues at the Natural History Museum and the Darwin Tree of Life project: (...

Sonar, So Good! - Blog #3

Published date 2019-01-10

Since we last wrote, the team has been hard at work continuing to collect multibeam data at Offshore Overfalls MCZ. JNCC and Cefas scientific crew monitoring the multibeam data acquisition. In additi...

Business Associates Framework

Published date 2021-10-21

JNCC works with external independent experts through its Business Associates Framework (BAF), launched in October 2021, and will run for four years until October 2025. The Framework enables us, as an ...

Farnes East MCZ and the end of another survey

Published date 2018-05-08

It’s come to that time and we’ve reached the end of another survey. We’ve had a packed survey schedule and I’m really pleased with everything we have managed to achieve over the last couple of weeks. ...

Wyville-Thomson Ridge SAC: Blog #2

Published date 2017-11-08

Blowing away those end of survey blues After beating a retreat from another storm that was blowing across the exposed North Atlantic, we busied ourselves with working at some more sheltered contingenc...

OWSMRF Pilot year

Published date 2021-02-12

An offshore wind energy collaboration to better understand how large-scale development may impact marine birds has completed a successful pilot year, identifying high-priority ornithological knowledge...

Tranche 3 MCZ Designation Announcement

Published date 2020-11-20

On 31 May 2019, Defra announced the designation of a third tranche of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) to complete the Marine Protected Area (MPA) network in Secretary of State waters, and further con...

Science and Evidence Strategy

Published date 2023-03-23

Introduction / Background Scientific understanding, based on organisation and analysis of high-quality evidence, is central to JNCC’s purpose and role. JNCC is a science-centred organisation and our u...

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