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2311 page results

LR.FLR.Lic.Bli Blidingia spp. on vertical littoral fringe soft rock

Published date 2015-03

Vertical soft rock in the littoral fringe may be characterised by a band of the green seaweeds Blidingia minima and Blidingia marginata. Unbranched filamentous green seaweeds, including Ulothrix flacc...

SS.SBR.Crl Coral reefs

Published date 2015-03

The coral reef structures in UK waters are found in cold (4-13°C), largely aphotic waters, generally along the shelf edge and in offshore waters down to 2000m. In the north east Atlantic, Lophelia per...

LR.LLR.FVS.FserVS Fucus serratus and large Mytilus edulis on variable salinity lower eulittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Areas of very sheltered lower eulittoral rock or mixed substrata subject to variable salinity, which support an impoverished community dominated by the wrack Fucus serratus. The hydroid Dynamena pumil...

LS.LSa.MuSa.BatCare Bathyporeia pilosa and Corophium arenarium in littoral muddy sand

Published date 2015-03

Wave-sheltered, mainly upper and mid shore flats of medium to fine sand, often muddy sand. The salinity, although predominantly recorded as variable, probably varies little from fully marine in these ...

IR.LIR.IFaVS.HarCon Hartlaubella gelatinosa and Conopeum reticulum on low salinity infralittoral mixed substrata

Published date 2015-03

Upper estuarine mixed hard substrata colonised by very sparse communities of animals with low species richness and with a few seaweeds in very shallow water. In the Tamar estuary the hydroid Hartlaube...

SS.SMu.IFiMu.Ocn Ocnus planci aggregations on sheltered sublittoral muddy sediment

Published date 2015-03

Dense aggregations of Ocnus planci on various substrata, typically muddy but occasionally with stones or shells, in sheltered conditions such as sea lochs. Philine aperta also characterises this bioto...

IR.FIR.SG.CC.Mo Coralline crusts and crustaceans on mobile boulders or cobbles in surge gullies

Published date 2015-03

Highly mobile and scoured boulders and cobbles found on cave and gully floors and which often appear bare. Where there is sufficient light and stability, however, the boulders are encrusted by coralli...

SS.SSa.SSaVS.NcirAm Nephtys cirrosa and amphipods in variable salinity infralittoral mobile sand

Published date 2015-03

Mobile sand in variable salinity conditions where tidal currents create an unstable, shifting habitat. Characteristic species include the polychaetes Nephtys cirrosa and Scoloplos armiger along with a...

SS.SMu.OMu.MyrPo Myrtea spinifera and polychaetes in offshore circalittoral sandy mud

Published date 2015-03

Deep, offshore habitats with cohesive sandy mud (>20% mud) may support communities characterised by infaunal polychaetes and the bivalve Myrtea spinifera. Polychaetes typically include Chaetozone seto...

LR.HLR.MusB.Sem.FvesR Semibalanus balanoides, Fucus vesiculosus and red seaweeds on exposed to moderately exposed eulittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Exposed and moderately exposed upper and mid eulittoral bedrock characterised by the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides, the limpet Patella vulgata and the whelk Nucella lapillus with a sparse community ...

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