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2311 page results

IR.HIR.KFaR.Ala Alaria esculenta on exposed sublittoral fringe bedrock

Published date 2015-03

Exposed sublittoral fringe bedrock with an Alaria esculenta forest and an encrusting fauna of the mussel Mytilus edulis and barnacles such as Semibalanus balanoides. The kelp Laminaria digitata can be...

LR.FLR.Eph.BLitX Barnacles and Littorina spp. on unstable eulittoral mixed substrata

Published date 2015-03

The eulittoral zone, particularly the mid shore zone, of sheltered to extremely sheltered mixed substrata shores is often characterised by flat banks or scards of cobbles and pebbles (on sediment) whi...

IR.FIR.SG.CC Coralline crusts in surge gullies and scoured infralittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Scoured rock in wave-surged caves, tunnels or gullies often looks rather bare, and may be characterised by a limited scour-tolerant fauna of Balanus crenatus and/or Spirobranchus triqueter with spiror...

LS.LCS.Sh.Ech Echinogammarus incertae sedis planicrurus in mid shore well-sorted gravel or coarse sand

Published date 2015-03

Shores of well-sorted gravel with a predominant particle size of 4.0 mm but ranging between 3 and 6 mm support dense populations of the amphipod Echinogammarus incertae sedis planicrurus. Material fin...

IR.LIR.K.LhypSlat.Gz Grazed, mixed Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima on sheltered infralittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Silted infralittoral rock with mixed Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima kelp forest, intensively grazed by the echinoderm Echinus esculentus and the gastropods Steromphala cineraria and Cal...

LR.MLR Moderate energy littoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Moderately exposed shores (bedrock, boulders and cobbles) characterised by mosaics of barnacles and fucoids on the mid and upper shore; with fucoids and red seaweed mosaics on the lower shore. Where f...

SS.SMu.IFiMu.Beg Beggiatoa spp. on anoxic sublittoral mud

Published date 2015-03

Sublittoral soft anoxic mud, often in areas with poor water exchange with the open sea, can have a conspicuous bacterial mat covering of Beggiatoa spp. The anoxia may be a result of natural conditions...

LR.HLR.FR.Coff.Puly Corallina officinalis, Himanthalia elongata and Patella ulyssiponensis on very exposed lower eulittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Very exposed to exposed lower eulittoral bedrock shores in the south-west can support a dense turf of the red seaweed Corallina officinalis found underneath the long erect fronds of the wrack Himantha...

SS.SMx.IMx.Ost Ostrea edulis beds on shallow sublittoral muddy mixed sediment

Published date 2015-03

Dense beds of the oyster Ostrea edulis can occur on muddy fine sand or sandy mud mixed sediments. There may be considerable quantities of dead oyster shell making up a substantial portion of the subst...

SS.SCS.ICS.HeloMsim Hesionura elongata and Microphthalmus similis with other interstitial polychaetes in infralittoral mobile coarse sand

Published date 2015-03

On infralittoral sandbanks and sand waves and other areas of mobile medium-coarse sand, populations of interstitial polychaetes may be found. These habitats consist of loosely packed grains of sand fo...

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