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M.AtUB.Mu.SpnMeg.KopFie Kophobelemnon fields on Atlantic upper bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

This biotope is composed of dense aggregations of seapens of the genus Kophobelemnon (in the UK likely to be Kophobelemnon stelliferum) on mud. Kophobelemnon fields are also found in the mid bathyal z...

M.AtUA.Mu.HolCom Holothurian dominated community on Atlantic upper abyssal mud

Published date 2015-03

This broad community contains those biotopes where holothurians dominate. They are generally very deep (abyssal) and occur on silt or pelagic ooze. The species composition will vary with depth. The ho...

M.AtMB.Ro.MixCor.DisLop Discrete Lophelia pertusa colonies on Atlantic mid bathyal rock and other hard substrata

Published date 2015-03

This biotope occurs on bedrock, cobbles and boulders and isolated drop stones. Small growths of Lophelia pertusa and often Madrepora occulata are present. Lophelia pertusa reef framework may also be p...

M.AtLB.Co.XenCom.SyrFra Syringammina fragilissima field on Atlantic lower bathyal coarse sediment

Published date 2015-03

Biotope characterised by dense aggregations of the xenophyophore Syringammina fragilissima on coarse sediment. Associated species will vary with depth but may include squat lobsters (Munida), Ophiuroi...

M.AtLB.Mu.EreCor.AcaArb Acanella arbuscula assemblage on Atlantic lower bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

This biotope is composed of dense aggregations of the Isidid octocoral Acanella arbuscula on sandy silts and fine grained oozes. It is likely to be functionally similar to a seapen field. Gage (1986)...

M.AtMA.Mu.CriCom.ThaJun Thaumatocrinus jungerseni assemblage on Atlantic mid abyssal mud

Published date 2015-03

Hughes and Gage (2004) describe this biotope from the mouth of Rockall Trough at 3580m dominated by the comatulid crinoid Thaumatocrinus jungerseni on fine silt or pelagic ooze. It is possible that th...

M.AtLB.Mu.UrcCom.GraAle Gracilechinus alexandri, Psilaster and Plinthaster assemblage on Atlantic lower bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

This biotope consists of urchin Gracilechinus alexandri with seastars on mud substrate. Gage (1986) describes an assemblage from the continental slope west of the Hebrides (Rockall Trough) between 140...

M.AtMB.Bi.CorRee.LopFra Mixed coral assemblage on Atlantic mid bathyal Lophelia pertusa reef framework (biogenic structure)

Published date 2015-03

This biotope represents the extensive, mostly dead, framework of Lophelia pertusa that support a high diversity of species including various other corals such as Caryophylliidae, Stichopathes gravier...

M.AtMB.Ro.BarCom.BatHir Bathylasma hirsutum assemblage on Atlantic mid bathyal rock and other hard substrata

Published date 2015-03

Biotope dominated by the barnacle Bathylasma hirsutum. Observed on bedrock in high current areas. Barnacle coverage may not be dense. This assemblage was also identified in the upper bathyal, but the ...

SS.SSa.CFiSa.SiphNephVen Siphonoecetes, Nephtyidae polychaetes and venerid bivalves in circalittoral sand

Published date 2015-03

Circalittoral shallow coarse or medium sands (with shells and gravel) characterised by a community of amphipods, Nephtyidae and bivalves. This biotope has been recorded on sandbanks to the East of Isl...

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