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436 page results for 'fisheries management options'

Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation Measures for Marine Turtles of the Atlantic Coast of Africa

Published date 2019-05-02

Direct harvesting of turtles and by-catch in the rich fisheries of the Gulf of Guinea is therefore considered

SS.SBR.PoR.SspiMx Sabellaria spinulosa on stable circalittoral mixed sediment

Published date 2015-03

In the case of disturbance from shrimp fisheries, recovery will be accelerated if some of the reef is

New Year New Beginnings

Published date 2021-01-29

the UK will develop new policies and approaches, which will cover, amongst other things, land use, fisheries

Professor Colin Galbraith RSE Fellow

Published date 2022-03-22

underpin action to tackle these issues is key, as is providing clear advice and communication on the options

Improving species representation in natural capital tools

Published date 2019-07-18

Wales with an easy to use, map-based online interface with which to value existing and new land-use options

New global impacts reports

Published date 2021-03-19

Our recently published research, produced for Defra, is exploring options for measuring the global environmental

Opening access to high-quality European seabed habitat data

Published date 2019-07-16

EMODnet) is an initiative from the European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Seabirds Count

Published date 2024-07-11

status of our internationally important seabirds, the impacts of pressures such as climate change and fisheries

New natural capital valuation tool takes comprehensive account of biodiversity

Published date 2021-03-26

makers and land use decision-makers in England and Wales can use to value existing and new land use options

JNCC publishes guidelines for robot marine monitoring platforms

Published date 2021-03-26

systems and aerial surveys – since the new technologies are reviewed in the context of alternative options

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