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2311 page results

Hartslock Wood

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Designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Country England Unitary Authority Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Centroid * SU619789 Latitude 51.50583333 Longitude -1.1075 SAC EU Code UK0030...


Published date

Designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Country Wales Unitary Authority West Wales and The Valleys Centroid * SH649297 Latitude 52.84777778 Longitude -4.005 SAC EU Code UK0012945 Status Designat...

West Fermanagh Scarplands

Published date

Designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Country Northern Ireland Unitary Authority Northern Ireland Centroid * H085491 Latitude 54.3903 Longitude -7.8692 SAC EU Code UK0030300 Status Designated ...

Lady's-slipper orchid [Cypripedium calceolus]

Published date

Higher plant species Description and ecological characteristics This orchid with large, solitary flowers with maroon-brown petals and a pouched yellow lip is found in open woodlands on calcareous soil...

Spined loach [Cobitis taenia]

Published date

Vertebrate species: fish Description and ecological characteristics The spined loach Cobitis taenia is a small bottom-living fish that has a restricted microhabitat associated with a specialised feedi...

Lesser horseshoe bat [Rhinolophus hipposideros]

Published date

Vertebrate species: mammals Description and ecological characteristics The lesser horseshoe bat Rhinolophus hipposideros is one of the smallest bats in the UK. During the summer they form maternity co...

Ramshorn snail [Anisus vorticulus]

Published date

Invertebrate species: molluscs Description and ecological characteristics The Lesser whirlpool ram’s-horn snail Anisus vorticulus is a small aquatic snail with a flattened spiral shell rarely more tha...

Slender naiad [Najas flexilis]

Published date

Higher plant species Description and ecological characteristics The selected sites include localities that are known to hold consistently large, naturally-occurring populations in lakes, rivers and he...

Greater horseshoe bat [Rhinolophus ferrumequinum]

Published date

Vertebrate species: mammals Description and ecological characteristics The greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum is one of the largest bats in the UK. During the summer, they form maternity ...

White-clawed (or Atlantic stream) crayfish [Austropotamobius pallipes]

Published date

Invertebrate species: arthropods Description and ecological characteristics The white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes lives in a diverse variety of clean aquatic habitats but especially favo...

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