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2311 page results

Ocean Country Partnership Programme

Published date 2024-08-08

Background The OCPP is a UK-led programme funded through the UK’s £500 million Blue Planet Fund. The Blue Planet Fund is financed through the UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) budget and is sup...

Firth of Forth Banks Complex MPA

Published date 2024-08-22

Please be advised, a consultation has begun by Scottish Government on fisheries management measures within Scottish MPA. This will run until 14 October 2024. For more information please visit the Scot...

LS.LSa Littoral sand

Published date 2015-03

Shores comprising clean sands (coarse, medium or fine-grained) and muddy sands with up to 25% silt and clay fraction. Shells and stones may occasionally be present on the surface. The sand may be dune...

IR.MIR.KR.HiaSw Hiatella arctica and seaweeds on vertical limestone / chalk.

Published date 2015-03

This biotope is found in the infralittoral zone on moderately exposed vertical limestone/chalk surfaces in weak tidal streams, and has been recorded most frequently between 0-10m. This biotope is char...

LR.LLR.F.Asc.X Ascophyllum nodosum on full salinity mid eulittoral mixed substrata

Published date 2015-03

Sheltered to extremely sheltered full salinity mixed substrata (cobbles, boulders and pebbles on sediment) characterised by a canopy formed by a mosaic of the wracks Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesi...

LS.LMx Littoral mixed sediment

Published date 2015-03

Shores of mixed sediments ranging from muds with gravel and sand components to mixed sediments with pebbles, gravels, sands and mud in more even proportions. By definition, mixed sediments are poorly ...

IR.LIR.K.Slat.Ft Saccharina latissima forest on very sheltered upper infralittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Sheltered to extremely sheltered sublittoral fringe and infralittoral bedrock, boulders and cobbles characterised by a dense canopy of the kelp Saccharina latissima. In such sheltered conditions, a di...

LR.LLR.FVS.Ascmac Ascophyllum nodosum ecad mackaii beds on extremely sheltered mid eulittoral mixed substrata

Published date 2015-03

Extremely sheltered mid shore mixed substrata, usually subject to variable salinity due to freshwater runoff, which support beds of the non-attached growth form of the wrack Ascophyllum nodosum ecad m...

SS.SSa.SSaVS.MoSaVS Infralittoral mobile sand in variable salinity (estuaries)

Published date 2015-03

Very mobile sand in areas of strong tidal currents and variable salinity. No stable community is able to develop within this extremely mobile and abrasive habitat. The fauna encountered in this habita...

SS.SSa.OSa.MalEdef Maldanid polychaetes and Eudorellopsis deformis in offshore circalittoral sand or muddy sand

Published date 2015-03

In deep offshore sand or non-cohesive muddy sand dense populations of maldanid polychaetes such as Maldane sarsi and the cumacean Eudorellopsis deformis may be found. Accompanying these species are ab...

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