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2311 page results

LR.MLR.MusF.MytFR Mytilus edulis, Fucus serratus and red seaweeds on moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Lower eulittoral moderately exposed bedrock covered by a dense community of large individuals of the mussel Mytilus edulis, often with a scarce covering of the wrack Fucus serratus and red seaweeds. T...

SS.SMu.SMuVS.PolCvol Polydora ciliata and Corophium volutator in variable salinity infralittoral firm mud or clay

Published date 2015-03

Variable salinity clay and firm mud characterised by a turf of the polychaete Polydora ciliata along with the amphipod Corophium volutator. Other important taxa include the polychaetes Pygospio elegan...

IR.LIR.IFaVS.MytRS Mytilus edulis beds on reduced salinity infralittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

This biotope occur in shallow, often tide-swept, reduced salinity conditions. Dense beds of the mussel Mytilus edulis with the occasional barnacle Balanus crenatus. A wide variety of epifaunal colonis...

LR.HLR.FR.Coff.Coff Corallina officinalis and Mastocarpus stellatus on exposed to moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Exposed lower eulittoral rock or moderately exposed lower eulittoral vertical rock that supports a dense turf of the red seaweed Corallina officinalis, often on wave surged rocky slopes. There is usua...

SS.SMp.Mrl.Lcor Lithothamnion corallioides maerl beds on infralittoral muddy gravel

Published date 2015-03

Live maerl beds in sheltered, silty conditions which are dominated by Lithothamnion corallioides with a variety of foliose and filamentous seaweeds. Live maerl is at least common but there may be noti...

SS.SSa.IMuSa.EcorEns Echinocardium cordatum and Ensis spp. in lower shore and shallow sublittoral slightly muddy fine sand

Published date 2015-03

Sheltered lower shore and shallow sublittoral sediments of sand or muddy fine sand in fully marine conditions, support populations of the urchin Echinocardium cordatum and the razor shell Ensis siliqu...

IR.HIR.KSed.SlatChoR Saccharina latissima, Chorda filum and dense red seaweeds on shallow unstable infralittoral boulders or cobbles

Published date 2015-03

Seasonally disturbed unstable boulders and cobbles in very shallow water dominated by the fast-growing brown seaweed Chorda filum together with the kelp Saccharina latissima. The brown seaweed Desmare...

IR.LIR.K.LhypSlat.Ft Mixed Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima forest on sheltered upper infralittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Sheltered, often silted, upper infralittoral bedrock and boulder slopes with mixed kelps Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima and red seaweeds beneath. The kelp at these sheltered sites often...

SS.SMp.Mrl.Lgla Lithothamnion glaciale maerl beds in tide-swept variable salinity infralittoral gravel

Published date 2015-03

Upper infralittoral tide-swept channels of coarse sediment in full or variable salinity conditions support distinctive beds of Lithothamnion glaciale maerl 'rhodoliths'. Phymatolithon calcareum may al...

IR.FIR.SG.CrSp Crustose sponges on extremely wave-surged infralittoral cave or gully walls

Published date 2015-03

Walls, or massive boulders, in caves or gullies that are subject to severe wave-surge and characterised by extensive thin crusts of the sponge Halichondria panicea with smaller patches of other sponge...

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