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2311 page results

Marine Protected Areas

Published date 2019-04-09

The offshore marine environment supports a diverse range of benthic habitats, and many important species, including seabirds and marine mammals.  Our statutory remit in the offshore environment means ...

Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis)

Published date 2021-05-20

The following has been adapted from original text by Mark L. Tasker in Seabird Populations of Britain and Ireland (with permission from A&C Black, London).   Northern fulmars are one of the common...

Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus)

Published date 2021-05-20

The following has been adapted from original text by Stephen F. Newton, Kate Thompson and P. Ian Mitchell in Seabird Populations of Britain and Ireland (with permission from A&C Black, London).   ...

Geological Conservation

Published date 2020-06-18

The landforms, rocks, minerals and fossils of the UK are a vast and valuable resource, and tell the story of the country's long and complicated history.  They provide evidence of past life, environmen...

Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)

Published date 2021-05-20

The following has been adapted from original text by Mike P. Harris and Sarah Wanless in Seabird Populations of Britain and Ireland (with permission from A&C Black, London).   The Atlantic puffin ...

Equality, diversity and inclusion statement

Published date 2020-11-03

JNCC is committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. JNCC has a responsibility to ensure that we have an inclusive culture where discrimination, harassment, bullyin...

Outer Thames Estuary SPA

Published date 2020-06-01

Status: Special Protection Area (SPA) The Outer Thames Estuary MPA lies along the east coast of England in the southern North Sea and extends northward from the Thames Estuary to the sea area off Grea...

A Colourful Cast at Offshore Brighton Rock - Blog #5

Published date 2019-01-22

Greetings again from the CEND0119 team. Having completed the bulk of our planned sampling at Offshore Overfalls, we are now at Offshore Brighton MCZ. More information about this MCZ and our plans here...

Analysis Ready Data (ARD)

Published date 2019-05-23

JNCC is leading in the creation of Analysis Ready Data (ARD) products for the Sentinel-1 and -2 platforms; pre-processing data to a proposed UK standard to be adopted in academia, industry and governm...

A Day in the Life of a Marine Scientist

Published date 2017-11-02

I’m Tammy Noble-James, Marine Protected Areas Monitoring Officer at JNCC, and I’ve been aboard the Scotia since we began our survey of North-East Faroe Shetland Channel NCMPA and Wyville Thomson Ridge...

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