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2311 page results

Liverpool Bay SPA

Published date 2020-06-01

Status: Special Protection Area (SPA) Liverpool Bay / Bae Lerpwl SPA is in the east of the Irish Sea, bordering the coastlines of north-west England and north Wales. The boundary of Liverpool Bay / Ba...

It’s all about Betty…

Published date 2016-07-25

We have now completed our first four night shifts of box coring within the Geikie Slide and the Hebridean Slope Nature Conservation MPA. We have affectionately named our box corer companion Betty. Bet...

Citizen science and partnerships in monitoring

Published date 2022-08-01

A vast amount of monitoring data, particularly on species, is regularly collected through established monitoring recording schemes, with significant support from highly trained volunteers. JNCC works ...

Wormy reflections - Blog #5

Published date 2019-09-09

Earlier this summer, we were delighted to announce the discovery of a new species of polychaete worm. As our previous blog posts have been describing, we are currently back at West Shetland Shelf Mari...

The sponges of Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt MPA

Published date 2021-08-27

Most people associate sponges with a nice bubble bath. Chances are, however, that the sponge you have sitting in your bathroom has little in common with the sponges that we are seeing at the bottom of...

Seabird Monitoring

Published date 2022-07-04

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been circulating in seabirds throughout summer 2022 and has caused concerning levels of mortality in some species. Our advice to BTO/JNCC Seabird Monitorin...

Offshore Seabed Survey

Published date 2019-05-31

JNCC undertakes surveys of the UK’s offshore seabed (from 12 nm to the limits of the UK’s EEZ) across a range of habitats and depths (from 15 m to 2000 m) with a variety of partner organisations. Betw...

Nature-based Solutions: IACCG case studies

Published date 2021-11-01

This section of the website has been created on behalf of the UK Inter-Agency Climate Change Group (IACCG). It showcases some of the very best examples of projects on Nature-based Solutions from acros...

Eastern Mournes Wildfire Project

Published date 2021-11-01

The Eastern Mournes Wildfire Project has adopted a partnership approach to managing the landscapes of the Eastern Mourne Mountains, aimed at limiting the probability and impacts of wildfires on wildli...

Collaborative approach to managing coral disease in UKOTs

Published date 2022-06-06

Coral reef ecosystems contribute to making the Caribbean region a biodiversity hotspot and are relied upon for the valuable services they provide to society. The health of coral reefs across the Carib...

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