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2308 page results

M.AtMB.Ro.BarCom Barnacle dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal rock and other hard substrata

Published date 2015-03

This broad community includes all biotopes where barnacle species are the dominant fauna. The species of barnacle will vary with depth and location. This community is found on rock and associated fau...

M.AtLB.Co.SolScl Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic lower bathyal coarse sediment

Published date 2015-03

This broad community is characterised by dense aggregations of solitary cup corals (Caryophylliidae and / or Flabellidae) on sediments including mud and sandy mud and coarse sediments. The species com...

M.AtMB.Mu.DeeSpo Deep sponge aggregation on Atlantic mid bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

This broad community contains assemblages where sponges dominate sediment habitats. Sponges can be of all morphotypes except encrusting. Aggregations of the glass sponge Pheronema carpenteri have been...

M.AtUB.Co.SpaEnc Sparse encrusting community on Atlantic upper bathyal coarse sediment

Published date 2015-03

This broad community includes all biotopes that are characterised by encrusting species including deep-sea sponges, serpulid worms, cup corals and Anoniimid bivalves. Associated species can include sq...

M.AtMB.Sa.SurOph Surface dwelling ophiuroid community on Atlantic mid bathyal sand

Published date 2015-03

This broad community consisting of assemblages characterised by brittle stars (ophiuroids) which lie on the surface of the seabed. They can occur in isolation or be overlain onto other broad communiti...

M.AtUB.Sa.UrcCom.CidUrc Cidarid urchin assemblage on Atlantic upper bathyal sand

Published date 2015-03

This biotope is characterised by sparse and occasionally agreggated Cidarid urchins on sand substrates. The same epifaunal assemblage is also found on coarse sediment and in the mid bathyal but associ...

M.AtUB.Bi.CorRee.LopPer Atlantic upper bathyal live Lophelia pertusa reef (biogenic structure)

Published date 2015-03

Scleractinian coral reefs formed predominantly by Lophelia pertusa in the upper bathyal zone. Lophelia attaches to any hard substrate present and then grows outwards forming a hard reef structure. Lop...

M.ArLB.Bi Arctic lower bathyal biogenic structure

Published date 2015-03

A biogenic structure is formed when reef-forming species, such as cold water corals, attach to any hard substrate present and grow over the surrounding area forming a secondary substrate over the top....

M.AtMB.Sa.UrcCom Urchin dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal sand

Published date 2015-03

This broad community contains biotopes that are dominated by urchins and occurs on sediment. The species of urchin and associated species varies with depth and substrate type. On Atlantic upper and m...

M.AtMB.Mx.XenCom.SyrFra Syringammina fragilissima field on Atlantic mid bathyal mixed sediment

Published date 2015-03

Assemblage characterised by dense aggregations of the xenophyophore Syringammina fragilissima on mixed sediment. Associated species will vary with depth but may include squat lobsters (Munida), Ophiur...

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