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Green shield-moss [Buxbaumia viridis]

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Lower plant species Description and ecological characteristics Green shield-moss Buxbaumia viridis is a highly-specialised and atypical moss with much-reduced leaves arising from a protonemal mat (i.e...

Atlantic acidophilous beech forests with Ilex and sometimes also Taxus in the shrublayer (Quercion robori-petraeae or Ilici-Fagenion)

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Forests Description and ecological characteristics This Annex I type comprises beech Fagus sylvatica forests with holly Ilex , growing on acid soils, in a humid Atlantic climate. Sites of this habitat...

Bog woodland

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Forests Description and ecological characteristics Under certain combinations of physical circumstances in the UK, scattered trees can occur across the surface of a bog in a relatively stable ecologic...

Calaminarian grasslands of the Violetalia calaminariae

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Natural and semi-natural grassland formations Description and ecological characteristics Calaminarian grasslands occur on soils that have levels of heavy metals, such as lead, zinc, chromium and coppe...

Vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic and Baltic coasts

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Marine, coastal and halophytic habitats Description and ecological characteristics Vegetated sea cliffs are steep slopes fringing hard or soft coasts, created by past or present marine erosion, and su...

Humid dune slacks

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Coastal sand dunes and continental dunes Description and ecological characteristics Dune slacks are low-lying areas within dune systems that are seasonally flooded and where nutrient levels are low. T...


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Coastal sand dunes and continental dunes Description and ecological characteristics Machair is a distinctive sand dune formation formed by a particular combination of physical factors, including clima...

Large shallow inlets and bays

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Marine, coastal and halophytic habitats Description and ecological characteristics Large shallow inlets and bays are habitat complexes which comprise an interdependent mosaic of subtidal and intertida...

Mountain hay meadows

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Natural and semi-natural grassland formations Description and ecological characteristics This Annex I type comprises species-rich upland hay meadows on brown earth soils. It is a northern and sub-mont...

Submerged or partially submerged sea caves

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Rocky habitats and caves Description and ecological characteristics This Annex I type includes submerged sea caves and also partially submerged caves which are only exposed to the sea at high tide. Ca...

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