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Limestone pavements

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Rocky habitats and caves Description and ecological characteristics Limestone pavements are outcrops of rock, typically horizontal or gently inclined, although a few are steeply inclined. The surface ...


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Marine, coastal and halophytic habitats Description and ecological characteristics Estuaries are habitat complexes which comprise an interdependent mosaic of subtidal and intertidal habitats, which ar...

Inland salt meadows

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Marine, coastal and halophytic habitats Description and ecological characteristics Inland salt meadows refer to non-coastal sites supporting saltmarsh vegetation. In the UK this vegetation corresponds...

Atlantic decalcified fixed dunes (Calluno-Ulicetea)

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Coastal sand dunes and continental dunes Description and ecological characteristics This habitat type occurs on mature, stable dunes where the initial calcium carbonate content of the dune sand is low...

Oligotrophic waters containing very few minerals of sandy plains (Littorelletalia uniflorae)

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Freshwater habitats Description and ecological characteristics This type of waterbody is restricted to sandy plains that are acidic and low in nutrients, and are therefore very scarce. The water is ty...

Dunes with Hippophae rhamnoides

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Coastal sand dunes and continental dunes Description and ecological characteristics Dunes with Hippophae rhamnoides comprise scrub vegetation on more-or-less stable sand dunes in which sea-buckthorn H...

Northern Atlantic wet heaths with Erica tetralix

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Temperate heath and scrub Description and ecological characteristics Wet heath usually occurs on acidic, nutrient-poor substrates, such as shallow peats or sandy soils with impeded drainage. The veget...

Alkaline fens

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Raised bogs and mires and fens Description and ecological characteristics Alkaline fens consist of a complex assemblage of vegetation types characteristic of sites where there is tufa and/or peat form...

Taxus baccata woods of the British Isles

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Forests Description and ecological characteristics Yew Taxus baccata woodland occurs on shallow, dry soils usually on chalk or limestone slopes, but in a few areas stands on more mesotrophic soils are...


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Designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Country Northern Ireland Unitary Authority Northern Ireland Centroid * J464438 Latitude 54.3219 Longitude -5.7497 SAC EU Code UK0030169 Status Designated ...

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