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428 page results for 'management options paper'


Published date 2020-01-06

This information can be used to direct policies and management interventions, as well as to assess their

Safeguarding marine diversity – the Pressures-Activities Database

Published date 2019-07-02

Designed to complement existing management tools – Natural England’s Designated Sites System and Marine

Humid dune slacks

Published date

The species present depend on the wetness of the slack, its location within the system and the management ... Some of the drier slacks support a very wide range of species; this has been encouraged by management

Offshore Industries

Published date 2019-04-08

have responsibility for the provision of nature conservation advice in the offshore area, to support management

Lower Derwent Valley

Published date

Traditional management has ensured that ecological variation is well-developed, particularly in the transitions

Oxford Meadows

Published date

The site has benefited from the survival of traditional management, which has been undertaken for several

Pitcairn Island #Blog 1

Published date 2020-01-13

to create a shallow-water substrate map for Pitcairn to feed into zoning discussions and the Marine Management

Welsh MPA network project

Published date 2022-11-28

and regular meetings with stakeholders that represent a range of sectors that have an interest in the management

MPA monitoring

Published date 2019-05-07

MPAs; report on whether the MPAs are meeting their Conservation Objectives; and produce advice on MPA management

South Dartmoor Woods

Published date

The woods are notable for the variations in stand type that reflect past management (old coppice and

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