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428 page results for 'management options paper'

Exmoor Heaths

Published date

It is extremely variable in nature and has in places been modified by management, particularly burning

Citizen scientists: a way forward to record habitat data?

Published date 2024-07-22

Recording habitat data is important to meet a broad range of conservation aims, such as evaluating management

A visit to Maldives under the Ocean Country Partnership Programme

Published date 2024-02-08

Technical staff from JNCC, along with colleagues from Cefas and the Marine Management Organisation, have ... of existing sites, principally through the completion of Protected Area Management Effectiveness Assessments

Happy St David's Day 2022 from our Wales Liaison Officer

Published date 2022-03-01

organisations it works with in Wales are well placed to deliver evidence that contribute to the sustainable management

JCDP Resources

Published date 2024-05-02

A user guidance document has been produced to help with creation and management of JCDP metadata records

No show for UK’s rarest bird of prey

Published date 2022-11-01

protection from hunting across Europe through legislation, as well as the creation, protection and management

The UK's Overseas Territories

Published date 2019-04-09

We provide technical assistance to support their biodiversity and wider environmental management strategies ... reducing Territories' dependence on outside assistance in developing and implementing environmental management

Tiree Machair

Published date

The site is unusual in that it is grazed only by cattle, a traditional management practice that has maintained

Upper Lough Erne

Published date

Fluctuating water levels and variations in exposure, substrate and management have resulted in the formation

Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis)

Published date

The site has benefited from the survival of traditional management, which has been undertaken for several ... There has been a long history of favourable management and very little of the site has suffered from

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