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182 page results for 'fisheries options paper'

Celebrating JNCC's inspirational women on International Women's Day 2021

Published date 2021-03-08

The paper reflected on the accomplishments and shortfalls under four of the Aichi Targets considered ... also celebrate our support for an inclusive culture for women at JNCC, through the opportunities and options

Workshop Reports and Presentations

Published date 2020-04-29

The workshops were each designed around collective discussion, with a focus on the regional specific options ... for adaptive MPA management and enabled the development of the MPA Fisheries Management Toolkit.

Conserving Marine Protected Areas

Published date 2019-05-02

A background paper is also provided which fully explains the approach JNCC takes to the production of ... authorities on management JNCC provides advice on proposed management measures for activities such as fisheries

Central Fladen MPA

Published date 2024-08-30

Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the Conservation Objectives ... Monitoring options report (2016) – This report describes monitoring options for the Central Fladen Nature

Wyville Thomson Ridge MPA

Published date 2024-11-25

Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objective ... This scientific paper by Brian Bett presents the collective analysis of data collected through the Atlantic

Anton Dohrn Seamount MPA

Published date 2024-08-23

Management Options Paper – ​Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objective

Hatton-Rockall Basin MPA

Published date 2024-08-23

Management Options Paper – Considers management options for achieving the conservation objectives for

Pobie Bank Reef MPA

Published date 2024-08-22

Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objective

Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount

Published date 2024-08-22

Selection Guidelines – Details the application of the Scottish MPA Selection Guidelines Management Options ... Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objectives for each protected

East of Gannet and Montrose Fields MPA

Published date 2024-08-22

Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objectives

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