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428 page results for 'management options paper'

Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP)

Published date 2019-05-02

covers the following areas of work: Species conservation Habitat conservation and restoration Management

New research on climate change impacts on marine species

Published date 2024-05-17

species may shift their distributions within and beyond UK waters will be crucial for informing future management

Completed Seabed Surveys

Published date 2019-05-31

The aim of the project was to produce regional habitat maps to support management of planned exploitation

New Global Biodiversity Framework adopted

Published date 2022-12-19

The Framework includes: effective conservation and management of at least 30% of the world’s lands ... Global Environmental Impacts of Consumption Indicator has been included as a component indicator and the Management

TCI project reports published

Published date 2022-04-04

through the Darwin Initiative funded project Technical assistance programme for effective coastal-marine management ... result in the people of the TCI having the tools to monitor natural capital and inform sustainable management


Published date

The site is an ancient system with acidic sands and a long history of traditional management. ... The site is an old dune system with acidic sands and a long history of traditional management.

Terrestrial habitat classification schemes

Published date 2019-04-28

is to describe the botanical resource of rivers and lakes across Britain, help in site assessment, management

Restoring Scotland’s Nature – the importance of collaborative working

Published date 2023-10-04

speech at the event, I said: "We have been collaborating closely to ensure a joined-up approach in the management

Fisher's estuarine moth [Gortyna borelii lunata]

Published date

The main threats to the species in Britain are sea-level rise and inappropriate management of its habitat ... Studies of its requirements and conservation management are underway (Ringwood et al . 2004).

UKBI - C6. Insects of the wider countryside

Published date 2023-11-14

of the environment because they respond rapidly to changes in environmental conditions and habitat management

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