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182 page results for 'fisheries options paper'

Firth of Forth Banks Complex MPA

Published date 2024-08-22

 – Details the application of the five stages of the Scottish MPA Selection; Guidelines; Management Options ... Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the Conservation Objectives for each of the protected

Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain MPA

Published date 2024-08-23

Guidelines – Details the application of the five stages of the Scottish MPA Selection Guidelines; Management Options ... Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objectives for each of the protected

West Shetland Shelf MPA

Published date 2024-08-23

Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objectives

North-East Faroe-Shetland Channel MPA

Published date 2024-08-22

Guidelines – Details the application of the five stages of the Scottish MPA Selection Guidelines; Management Options ... Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the Conservation Objectives for each of the protected

Solan Bank Reef MPA

Published date 2024-08-23

Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objective

Mind the gap

Published date 2020-12-17

The final report considered the merits of different options and came up with recommendations. ... The final method and description of the scheme's establishment was published as a peer-reviewed paper

Swallow Sand MPA

Published date 2024-04-19

Before-After-Control-Impact' (BACI) study, to allow for the future evaluation of the effectiveness of proposed fisheries ... summary of the response to comments received during this period, which is available in the following paper

Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex SPA

Published date 2020-12-03

This paper considers a range of activities and developments taking place within the SPA and focuses on ... Monitoring Last updated: September 2020 JNCC is currently leading on the development of options for

MPA Adaptive Management

Published date 2019-05-19

are transferable and can be used to inform adaptive management projects and co-design approaches to fisheries ... Project Partners Funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), JNCC and partners – The

Natural Capital in the Caribbean UK Overseas Territories

Published date 2019-08-28

Report, Data Collection and Integration Strategy for Underpinning Sustainable Fisheries Management ( ... Draft form until incorporated into the Government's fisheries policy)  (February 2018) Montserrat – Fisheries

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