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186 page results for 'fisheries options paper'

Marine mammals and offshore industries

Published date 2021-07-30

Wave & Tidal Consenting Position Paper Series, Paper 3. Natural Environment Research Council. ... National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S.

Nitrogen Futures News

Published date 2020-05-15

Futures' project, funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), is exploring options ... government department responsible for environmental protection, food production and standards, agriculture, fisheries

UKBI - A5. Biodiversity and business

Published date 2023-11-14

Alternative EMS options include (i) BS (British Standard) 8555, not a certifiable standard as such, but ... Information on how biodiversity considerations have been integrated into agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Celebrating JNCC's inspirational women on International Women's Day 2021

Published date 2021-03-08

The paper reflected on the accomplishments and shortfalls under four of the Aichi Targets considered ... also celebrate our support for an inclusive culture for women at JNCC, through the opportunities and options

Workshop Reports and Presentations

Published date 2020-04-29

The workshops were each designed around collective discussion, with a focus on the regional specific options ... for adaptive MPA management and enabled the development of the MPA Fisheries Management Toolkit.

Conserving Marine Protected Areas

Published date 2019-05-02

A background paper is also provided which fully explains the approach JNCC takes to the production of ... authorities on management JNCC provides advice on proposed management measures for activities such as fisheries

Mind the gap

Published date 2020-12-17

The final report considered the merits of different options and came up with recommendations. ... The final method and description of the scheme's establishment was published as a peer-reviewed paper

Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex SPA

Published date 2020-12-03

This paper considers a range of activities and developments taking place within the SPA and focuses on ... Monitoring Last updated: September 2020 JNCC is currently leading on the development of options for

Swallow Sand MPA

Published date 2024-04-19

Before-After-Control-Impact' (BACI) study, to allow for the future evaluation of the effectiveness of proposed fisheries ... summary of the response to comments received during this period, which is available in the following paper

MPA Adaptive Management

Published date 2019-05-19

are transferable and can be used to inform adaptive management projects and co-design approaches to fisheries ... Project Partners Funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), JNCC and partners – The

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