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186 page results for 'fisheries options paper'

Natural Capital in the Caribbean UK Overseas Territories

Published date 2019-08-28

Report, Data Collection and Integration Strategy for Underpinning Sustainable Fisheries Management ( ... Draft form until incorporated into the Government's fisheries policy)  (February 2018) Montserrat – Fisheries

TCI conch project

Published date 2024-02-12

partnership with Marine Conservation Society (MCS), this EU-funded project 'Sustaining queen conch fisheries ... Sustainable exploitation of queen conch fisheries presents a broad range of challenges, including the

Combating ash dieback – mitigating the impact of invasive diseases on biodiversity

Published date 2020-06-18

Understanding impacts and options The widespread death or felling of ash trees within the UK has the ... and how these options relate to broader priorities emphasising ecosystem resilience.  

Stony coral tissue loss disease identification, monitoring and treatment training in Montserrat and Anguilla

Published date 2022-02-04

.’ – Fisheries Management Officer Jason Daniel, Anguilla Fisheries Unit. ... Gumbs, Anguilla Fisheries Unit.

Declan Tobin – Marine Species Team and Marine Management Team

Published date 2021-05-07

I used to be a fisheries engagement officer. ... My greatest achievement at JNCC has probably been the successful engagement of fisheries stakeholders


Published date 2023-04-05

Department to attend the Regional Security System (RSS) Training Institute for their course on Fisheries ... Officers were trained in court procedure when fisheries evidence is presented, the correct procedures

Great skua (Stercorarius skua)

Published date 2021-05-20

Temporal and spatial variation in the diet of a marine top predator – links with commercial fisheries ... Implications of fisheries management for seabirds scavenging discards in the northern North Sea.

All aboard the Marine Research Vessel Scotia!

Published date 2021-03-15

offshore sites that were priority areas for JNCC and MSS from an MPA monitoring perspective, and for MSS fisheries ... ’ scientists in terms of fisheries’ management.

Protecting our seas

Published date 2023-01-05

our vision for Scotland to be a world-class fishing nation, delivering responsible and sustainable fisheries ... The Future Fisheries Management Strategy and updated Climate Change Plan 2018-2032 are available to view

Offshore Industries

Published date 2019-04-08

extraction, renewable energy, cable laying, and Ministry of Defence military activities, as well as fisheries ... Find out more about our offshore industry advice, fisheries advice, and our discretionary advice service

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