47 page results for 'interim displacement '
Published date 2023-03-24address some of the storm-petrel tracking evidence gaps and review population ecology and collision & displacement
English Highly Protected Marine Areas
Published date 2023-07-05This will include understanding any displacement of fishing effort at a site level and how we can best
South of the Isles of Scilly MPA
Published date 2024-04-19In the interim, please see JNCC’s Tranche 3 MCZ post-consultation advice for more detail.
Hatton Bank MPA
Published date 2024-08-22Developing an interim technical definition for Coral Gardens specific for UK waters and its subsequent
Scanner Pockmark MPA
Published date 2024-08-22The chemical composition of samples suggested sediment displacement had taken place – a feature of typical
Anton Dohrn Seamount MPA
Published date 2024-08-23well as other relevant data analysis products, are available via the following reports: Developing an interim
The Canyons MPA
Published date 2024-04-19Developing an interim technical definition for Coral Gardens specific for UK waters and its subsequent