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2320 page results

SS.SMu.ISaMu Infralittoral sandy mud

Published date 2015-03

Infralittoral, cohesive sandy mud, typically with over 20% silt/clay, in depths of less than 15-20 m. This habitat is generally found in sheltered bays or marine inlets and along sheltered areas of op...

IR.FIR.SG.FoSwCC Foliose seaweeds and coralline crusts in surge gully entrances

Published date 2015-03

This biotope is found on steep wave-surged entrances to gullies and caves and on unstable boulders in the entrance to caves and gullies. The rock may be abraded by the movement of the boulders and cob...

CR.HCR High energy circalittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

This habitat complex occurs on extremely wave-exposed to exposed circalittoral bedrock and boulders subject to tidal streams ranging from strong to very strong. Typically found in tidal straits and na...

LS.LCS.Sh Shingle (pebble) and gravel shores

Published date 2015-03

Littoral shingle and gravel shores include shores of mobile pebbles and gravel, sometimes with varying amounts of coarse sand. The sediment is highly mobile and subject to high degrees of drying betwe...

SS.SMu.CSaMu.VirOphPmax.HAs Virgularia mirabilis and Ophiura spp. with Pecten maximus, hydroids and ascidians on circalittoral sandy or shelly mud with stones

Published date 2015-03

Circalittoral fine sandy mud with shell gravel and notable quantities of shells or small stones scattered over the sediment surface. These sediments, like SS.SMu.CSaMu.VirOphPmax, may contain Virgular...

M.ArLB.Co Arctic lower bathyal coarse sediment

Published date 2015-03

Deep-sea coarse sediment has not been sampled widely for infauna so little is currently known about infaunal community structure. Epifauna tend to be sparse mobile species or burrowing fauna such as a...

M.AtUB.Mx Atlantic upper bathyal mixed sediment

Published date 2015-03

Deep-sea mixed sediment has not been sampled widely for infauna so little is currently known about infaunal community structure. Epifauna tend to be sparse mobile species. In the absence of ecological...

IR.LIR Low energy infralittoral rock

Published date 2015-03

Infralittoral rock in wave and tide-sheltered conditions, supporting silty communities with Laminaria hyperborea and/or Saccharina latissima (K). Associated seaweeds are typically silt-tolerant and in...

IR.HIR.KFaR Kelp with cushion fauna and/or foliose red seaweeds

Published date 2015-03

Rocky habitats in the infralittoral zone subject to exposed to extremely exposed wave action or strong tidal streams. Typically the rock supports a community of kelp Laminaria hyperborea with foliose ...

SS.SMp.Ang Angiosperm communities in reduced salinity

Published date 2015-03

Lagoon communities, subject to reduced or low salinity conditions, dominated by angiosperms, including Stuckenia pectinata beds and fringing habitats with reeds Phragmites australis. No situation data...

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