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2308 page results

M.ArMB.Ro.MixCor Mixed cold water coral community on Arctic mid bathyal rock and other hard substrata

Published date 2015-03

This broad community contains those biotopes where corals dominate but do not form a living coral reef. A mixture of different coral types can be present. Associated species are similar to 'sparse enc...

M.AtMB.Mu.XenCom.SyrFra Syringammina fragilissima field on Atlantic mid bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

Biotope characterised by dense aggregations of the xenophyophore Syringammina fragilissima on mud substrate. Associated species will vary with depth but may include squat lobsters (Munida), Ophiuroids...

M.AtMB.Mu.BurAne.CerAne Cerianthid anemones and burrowing megafauna in Atlantic mid bathyal mud

Published date 2015-03

This biotope is characterised by burrowing anemones (Cerianthidae), unidentified hydroids (Hydrozoa) and unidentified tube worms (Sabellidae) on bioturbated mud with phytodetritus. Video observations ...

LS Littoral sediment

Published date 2015-03

Littoral sediment includes habitats of shingle (mobile cobbles and pebbles), gravel, sand and mud or any combination of these which occur in the intertidal zone. Littoral sediment is defined further u...

SS.SCS.CCS.Nmix Neopentadactyla mixta in circalittoral shell gravel or coarse sand

Published date 2015-03

Sublittoral plains of clean, shell, maerl and / or stone gravels or sometimes coarse sands, with frequent Neopentadactyla mixta. Pecten maximus may occur occasionally along with Lanice conchilega. Oth...

Cost-effective approaches

Published date 2019-04-09

The complexity of the natural environment, coupled with limited monitoring resources, both financial and material, means that schemes for monitoring the natural environment need to be well designed.  ...

Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP)

Published date 2019-05-02

Albatrosses and petrels are one of the most globally threatened groups of birds in the world. The vast foraging movements of these seabirds take them over the high seas and the national waters of many...

MPA Network Assessments

Published date 2020-08-10

There are national and international commitments for networks of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that are ecologically coherent and well managed. The UK has committed to several international agreements...

Natural Capital in the Caribbean UK Overseas Territories

Published date 2019-08-28

Reports on JNCC's Overseas Territories natural capital work in the Caribbean region (Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat and the Turks & Caicos Islands) will be posted on this page as...

Earth Observation

Published date 2019-04-29

JNCC has expertise in the field of Earth Observation (EO) and uses this to provide high-quality evidence on biodiversity and ecosystems to inform decisions affecting the environment. Through using ope...

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