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2308 page results

Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia

Published date 2019-05-03

In May 2003, the 6th World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls (WWGBP) adopted a resolution that urged the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) to consider establishing a multi-lateral agreement ...

The Crick Framework

Published date 2019-05-23

The Crick Framework was proposed during the MEOW project. The Crick Framework is a way to categorise how well EO techniques can be used to identify habitats and features on the ground. About the frame...

Marine mammal observer training

Published date 2021-12-06

Marine mammal observers receive formal training through attendance of a JNCC approved training course. JNCC recognises MMO courses that explain the rationale and requirements of the guidelines so that...

Marine Benthic Data Flows

Published date 2019-05-29

In order to ensure the swift movement of data from new offshore surveys to reporting, dissemination and to assure the quality of the data through timely quality checks, the flow of JNCC’s offshore mar...

Conservation of Small Cetaceans in the Baltic, North-East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas (ASCOBANS)

Published date 2019-05-02

Small cetaceans are found in nearly all the world's seas and in some inland waters. Many species occur in the North East Atlantic and adjacent seas. These dolphins and porpoises, in common with others...

Leach's storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa)

Published date 2021-05-20

The following has been adapted from original text by P. Ian Mitchell in Seabird Populations of Britain and Ireland (with permission from A&C Black, London).   Leach's storm-petrel is a truly ocean...

Land use

Published date 2019-05-22

Land-use choices are made every day, at a range of scales and by a range of sectors.  How land is used and managed has a significant impact on the biodiversity it supports, and consequently on the ran...

Marine Benthic Data Standards

Published date 2019-05-29

JNCC complies with relevant and existing benthic data standards where possible, enabling data to flow, be combined, processed, and shared between and within organisations with greater efficiency. MEDI...

Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Habitat Management Plan

Published date 2021-11-01

The Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Habitat Management Plan project in south Wales is a 25-year project to restore 1,500 hectares (ha) of afforested habitats as part of the planning permission for the Pen Y C...

Monitoring strategies

Published date 2019-06-04

Developing monitoring strategies The complexity of the natural environment, coupled with limited monitoring resources, both financial and material, mean that environmental monitoring schemes need to b...

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