431 page results for 'management options paper'
Common Standards Monitoring
Published date 2019-05-02alongside traditional field-based monitoring and the Common Standards Monitoring guidance to provide more options ... designated, the country nature conservation bodies work with owners, occupiers and others to secure their management
World Creativity and Innovation Week: Carbon training supports our journey to net zero
Published date 2024-04-21Carbon literacy It is from this shared responsibility for JNCC’s environmental management that we initiated ... reducing international business travel, to reviewing energy providers and looking at low-carbon menu options
Published date 2020-01-02The predictive capacity of the NVC means that it can also serve as a basis for developing management ... options for sites or landscapes and as a framework for restoration and design guidelines.
Swallow Sand MPA
Published date 2024-04-19summary of the response to comments received during this period, which is available in the following paper ... This is a starting point for determining potential management requirements.
UKBI - Biodiversity and business
Published date 2024-12-10Alternative EMS options include (i) BS (British Standard) 8555, not a certifiable standard as such, but ... Environmental management has become a core business issue for many organisations.
Marine mammals and noise mitigation
Published date 2024-01-08together with JNCC, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the Marine Management ... JNCC is currently preparing interim guidance on mitigation options which will be published before the
UK Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Programme
Published date 2019-04-29Marine biodiversity monitoring is also vital for effective management of the human activities that take ... biodiversity monitoring that is more co-ordinated and cost effective Development of advice for Governments on options
Our role
Published date 2019-04-09We monitor biodiversity, evaluate options and provide advice to ensure that the natural environment is ... We support biodiversity and environmental management strategies in the UK's Overseas Territories.
HPAI Workshop Report
Published date 2023-03-02conservation practitioners to a two-day workshop to assess the impact of Bird Flu (HPAI H5N1), discuss management ... options and identify information needs.
Nitrogen Futures News
Published date 2020-05-15Futures' project, funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), is exploring options ... The project provides a real opportunity to test various possible future policy options for their impact