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JNCC/ Marine Scotland August Survey- Blog #1

Published date 2018-08-10

Swap your flip-flops for some steel toe-capped boots, we’re going on survey! As summer pushes on, it’s that time of year again for a joint survey between JNCC and Marine Scotland Science. Survey staff...

North West of Jones Bank and the Canyons Survey Update

Published date 2017-06-13

On the 22nd of May 2017 a partnership JNCC and Cefas monitoring survey to North-West of Jones Bank (NWJB) MCZ and The Canyons MCZ departed from Lowestoft. Just under 48 hrs later RV Cefas Endeavour ar...


Published date 2022-12-16

As COP15 draws to a close, our Chair, Professor Colin Galbraith, reflects on the importance of the last few weeks for nature conservation and recovery. The last few weeks have been an incredibly impor...

Catalogue of case law relating to articles of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives

Published date 2020-08-17

The online library provides accessible and summarised information on environmental case law relating to the EU Habitats Directive (Articles 1 to 7 and 9 to 16) and the EU Birds Directive (Articles 1 t...

Chief Scientists' Group

Published date 2022-10-11

The Chief Scientists’ Group (CSG) is a Director-level group of the science leaders from the UK Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies – Natural England, Natural Resources Wales (NRW), NatureScot, the No...

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) latest statistics

Published date 2023-06-09

Data collected by volunteers as part of the Wetland Bird Survey, and published in a report today, play a crucial role in the designation of protected wetland sites in Great Britain and Northern Irelan...

Who we work with

Published date 2020-09-01

Much of our work is oriented towards collaborative working and the bringing together of the skills and ambitions of a wide range of stakeholders.  We work with a number of organisations, often through...

Lowestoft Ahoy! - Blog #6

Published date 2019-01-22

Hello once more from the Cefas Endeavour, where we are nearing the end of this most recent JNCC and Cefas Marine Protected Area (MPA) monitoring survey. The past few days have flown by as we have fini...

Our Historic Waters - Blog #4

Published date 2019-01-14

Hello from Offshore Overfalls MCZ, where the team have been working hard to finish off collection of the multibeam data. Whilst collecting this data we have seen a few shipwrecks, which has added some...

Boost for UK seabird census

Published date 2021-03-11

A group of offshore renewable energy companies has provided a much-needed financial boost to 'Seabirds Count', the fourth national census of the UK’s breeding seabird populations. Thanks to equal fund...

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