608 resource results for 'interim displacement '
Appendices describing the data used in the creation of Interim Chalara Control Plan - Appendices describing the data used in the creation of Interim Chalara Control Plan v1.3
Published date 2012 Size 464.94 KB File type pdfAppendices describing the data used in the creation of Interim Chalara Control Plan Anyone wishing for,Interim Chalara Control Plan – Defra website Details of the general approach taken with identifying the
JNCC Report 736: Red-Throated Diver Energetics Project: Final Report
Published date 2023-04 Size 471.38 KB File type pdfJoint SNCB Interim Advice On The Treatment Of Displacement For Red- Throated Diver.,Displacement of seabirds by an offshore wind farm in the North Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog.
JNCC Report No. 677: JNCC Report on the Correct treatment of uncertainty in ornithological assessments (revised June 2021) - JNCC Report on the Correct treatment of uncertainty in ornithological assessments
Published date 2021-05-25 Size 1.12 MB File type pdfThe Joint SNCB Interim Displacement Advice Note provides advice on how to present assessment information,Interim Guidance of Apportioning Impacts from Marine Renewable Developments to Breeding Seabird Populations
JNCC Report No. 652: Consultation Report: Harbour porpoise SACs noise guidance - Consultation Report: Harbour porpoise SACs noise guidance
Published date 2020-06 Size 784.75 KB File type pdfAnother study, looking at the sensitivities of the iPCoD (interim Population Consequences of Disturbance,References Booth, C.G., Harwood, J., Plunket, R, Mendes, S, & Walker, R. 2017 Using the Interim PCoD
JNCC Report No. 719: Towards better estimates of Manx shearwater and European storm-petrel population abundance and trends, demographic rates and at-sea distribution and behaviour - Towards better estimates of Manx shearwater and European storm-petrel population abundance and trends, demographic rates and at-sea distribution and behaviour
Published date 2022-07-29 Size 1.7 MB File type pdfInterim adult and juvenile survival rates may be better estimated using existing data, while further,Therefore, foraging radius models may provide an interim method for determining at-sea distributions
JNCC Report No. 463a: Marine mammal observations during seismic surveys from 1994-2010 - Marine mammal observations during seismic surveys from 1994-2010
Published date 2015-03 Size 5.23 MB File type pdfLateral displacement, where found, sometimes extended beyond the visual range of the observer.,Joint interim report Bahamas marine mammal stranding event of 14-16 March 2000.
Appendix C: Context for Marine Activities and Proposed Assessment Methods for dSPAs - ABPmer Report No. R.2462 - Appendix C - 27 July 2015
Published date 2015 Size 5.48 MB File type pdfIn reality, it is likely that some displacement would occur.,Ports Policy Review Interim Report, 19 July 2007.
MPA Fisheries Management Toolkit
Published date 2020-03 Size 3.9 MB File type pdfFormal Displacement (Activity data) Confidence: Difficult to forecast displacement patterns.,Guidelines on assessing displacement effects is available from the ABPmer 2017 report on displacement
JNCC Report No. 566: A Conservation Literature Review for the Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) - A Conservation Literature Review for the Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
Published date 2015-12 Size 2.05 MB File type pdfThe 2014 interim report highlighted that the situation in the North Sea regarding bycatch remains unclear,Assessing the risks to marine mammal populations from renewable energy devices–an interim approach.
JNCC Report 755B: Marine mammal observations during geophysical surveys from 1995–2020
Published date 2024-08 Size 7.82 MB File type pdfBoth responses indicate some degree of lateral displacement.,Joint interim report Bahamas marine mammal stranding event of 14–16 March 2000.