608 resource results for 'interim displacement '
JNCC Report No. 348: Test feature dossiers (Part 1) - Test features dossiers: Part 1 (JNCC Report No. 348)
Published date 2004-03 Size 624.3 KB File type pdfInterim report , September 2002. A report to English Nature. Report Ref: RR Report 9/2001 ETR 06.,Possibly high Displacement Low Immediate Moderate ?
JNCC Report No. 645: Better linking effects of offshore windfarms on black-legged kittiwakes to populations - Better linking effects of offshore windfarms on black-legged kittiwakes to populations
Published date 2020-01-09 Size 706.37 KB File type pdfFeasibility study for meta-analysis of red-throated diver displacement.,SNH interim guidance on apportioning impacts from marine renewables developments to breeding seabird
North-West Regional Workshop (3A): Report - Developing a participatory approach to the management of fishing activity in UK Marine Protected Areas: Workshop 3A – Outputs
Published date 2019-05 Size 723.53 KB File type pdfCefas model and displacement model from NE toolkit)?,So, the pattern of displacement under this management scenario is not realistic, as displacement of fishing
Norwich Regional Workshop (3B): Report - Developing a participatory approach to the management of fishing activity in UK Marine Protected Areas: Workshop 3B – Outputs
Published date 2019-06 Size 2.59 MB File type pdfIt is assumed that there is no displacement from the closed areas, the activity simply stops in these,Paper on displacement using ICES rectangle scale (Greenstreet et al., 2009).
Nitrogen Futures: Non-technical summary - Understanding Impacts of Nitrogen on Nature (Nitrogen Futures Summary)
Published date 2020-09 Size 3.66 MB File type pdfThis example looks at Emission Displacement Zones (EDZ) and Emission Reduction Zones (ERZ) of different,For this reason, we need to be very careful when thinking about using displacement alone as a strategy
JNCC Report No. 665b: Nitrogen Futures - Annex 2: Selection of scenarios for assessing spatially targeted mitigation - Nitrogen Futures - Annex 2: Selection of scenarios for assessing spatially targeted mitigation
Published date 2020-09 Size 666.6 KB File type pdf(EDZ) away from sensitive habitats/sites The displacement scenario (2030 EDZ SSSI 1km) considered the,Exclusion zones (or Emission Displacement Zones, EDZ) of 1 km from the boundaries of designated sites
JNCC Report 739: Indicator K3: Status of endemic and globally threatened species in the UK Overseas Territories - Indicator K3: Status of endemic and globally threatened species in the UK Overseas Territories
Published date 2023-05 Size 324.94 KB File type pdfSonia’s input has been essential in publishing the interim version of the K3 indicator.,This year’s interim publication presents statistics from the initial data collection.
JCDP Communications Strategy (webpage)
Published date 2021-09 File type Other**Phase two: Interim Report** Phase two of the JCDP (2020– 2022) builds on the work,Develop and implement a communications strategy for the JCDP The Phase two Interim Report outlines the
South West Deeps (West) rMCZ 2013 Survey Report - South West Deeps (West) recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ) 2013 Survey Report
Published date 2023-01 Size 17.67 MB File type pdfZone (rMCZ) 2013 Survey Report 2 1.3 Existing data and information utilised to inform survey planning Interim,@ 5.00 m 3210 tonnes Displacement @ 5.50 m 3680 tonnes Builder Ferguson Shipbuilders Limited, Port Glasgow
JNCC guidance for the use of Passive Acoustic Monitoring in UK waters for minimising the risk of injury to marine mammals from offshore activities
Published date 2021-11 File type OtherOPRED), and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), published a joint interim,JNCC is currently preparing interim guidance on mitigation options which will be published in due course