608 resource results for 'interim displacement '
JNCC Report No. 665: Nitrogen Futures - Nitrogen Futures
Published date 2020-09 Size 11.1 MB File type pdfEmission Reduction Zones provide wider benefits than Emission Displacement Zones across the country.,Instead, the concepts of Emission Reduction and Displacement Zones could be implemented as part of a
North-West Regional Workshop (2A): Report - Developing a participatory approach to the management of fishing activity in UK Marine Protected Areas
Published date 2019-02 Size 1.04 MB File type pdfLowest fishing activity (by %) with and without displacement of fishing activity b.,Closed areas where sea pens occur (with and without displacement) 4.
JNCC EIR 201814 - Hypothetical options
Published date 2018-07-23 Size 418.79 KB File type pdfwould be to use a generic distance of say 4km (based on existing NE/JNCC guidance on assessment of displacement,Disadvantage: Makes the simplifying assumption that the displacement of divers has been equally distributed
An introduction to consumption-based metrics (JNCC Report 743: Annex 1) (text only) - An introduction to consumption-based metrics. JNCC Report 743: Annex 1
Published date 2023-08 Size 436.32 KB File type pdfConsumption Emissions Footprint Update to the Final Statement for the First Carbon Budget and 2020 Interim,files/publications/2023- 06/wales-consumption-emissions-update-for-the-first-carbon-budget-and-2020-interim
JNCC BD21 03: Annual Report and Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2021 - JNCC BD 22 03 (June 2021): JNCC Support Co. Board Meeting. Adoption of the JNCC Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021
Published date 2021-06-03 Size 1.15 MB File type pdfHis departure was followed by the appointment of Dr Gemma Harper as interim Chief Executive.,As the Interim Chief Executive and Interim Accounting Officer I am responsible for maintaining a sound
Data and Evidence – Summary Poster - Microsoft Word - MPA Fisheries Management Toolkit_FINAL.docx
Falkland Islands Broad Scale Habitat Map from Earth Observation Techniques - Falkland Islands Natural Capital Assessment: Habitat Mapping Report
Published date 2018 Size 1.32 MB File type pdfAtmospheric correction, using an interim Dark Object Subtraction (DOS) method to estimate atmospheric,For this exercise the SENTINEL-2 imagery was pre-processed using an ‘interim’ method.
Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge MPA: Impact Assessment - Impact Assessment
Published date 2010-08-20 Size 2.11 MB File type pdfDisplacement of fishing effort may result in negative impacts off site.,Department for Transport (2007) Ports Policy Review – Interim report.
Biodiversity Indicators Review - Biodiversity Indicators Review: International Climate Finance Evidence Project
Published date 2021-09 Size 560.36 KB File type pdfIndirect land use change is a significant displacement effect, whereby land lost to production in one,Within the review, many indicators did not take into account potential displacement effects.
England information for H1110 - Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time as part of the Fourth Report by the United Kingdom under Article 17 of the EU Habitats Directive
Published date 2019-08-21 Size 1.54 MB File type pdfmanagement within MPAs has led to improvements in condition, but this is considered to be balanced by displacement,management within MPAs has led to improvements in condition, but this is considered to be balanced by displacement