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428 page results for 'management options paper'

Nature Recovery Green Paper consultation response

Published date 2022-05-24

Our response to Defra’s consultation on the Nature Recovery Green Paper: Protected Sites and Species, ... Defra recently consulted on their Nature Recovery Green Paper.

Irish Sea Front SPA

Published date 2023-04-04

Management Options Paper – This paper considers a range of activities taking place within the SPA, and ... JNCC has developed a management options paper to support discussions with stakeholders about the management

MPA Fisheries Management Toolkit

Published date 2020-04-28

Stakeholder Engagement Developing active stakeholder participation in MPA Management Participatory management ... Engaging stakeholders in the development of MPA management is crucial because MPA management measures

West Sands Dune Management

Published date 2021-11-01

The West Sands Dune Management project is a large-scale sand dune restoration management project, working

West Shetland Shelf MPA

Published date 2024-08-23

Please note that the management measures in place in the site have changed (i.e. the Windsock Closure ... Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objectives

Wyville Thomson Ridge MPA

Published date 2024-08-22

Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objective ... This scientific paper by Brian Bett presents the collective analysis of data collected through the Atlantic

Marine Benthic Data (Management)

Published date 2019-05-07

JNCC undertakes a range of data management activities at all stages of a dataset’s life for datasets

Braemar Pockmarks MPA

Published date 2024-08-23

Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objective ... Although this paper doesn’t refer to Braemar Pockmarks specifically there is good detail on species found

Pobie Bank Reef MPA

Published date 2024-08-22

Please be advised, a consultation has begun by Scottish Government on fisheries management measures within ... Management Options Paper – Considers the management options for achieving the conservation objective

MPA Adaptive Management

Published date 2019-05-19

projects and co-design approaches to fisheries management throughout UK waters. ... Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is a non-departmental public body created in 2009 by the Marine

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