2319 page results
Marine Activities and Pressures Mapping
Published date 2019-05-01JNCC actively collaborates with industry (e.g. Oil & Gas UK, Subsea UK, Crown Estate) and governmental organisations (e.g. Marine Management Organisation (MMO), Marine Scotland, UK Hydrographic Of...
UK Protected Area Datasets for Download
Published date 2022-10-20JNCC provides summary data for all internationally designated UK protected areas and their features, plus protected area boundary layers. JNCC holds datasets for all Special Areas of Conservation (SAC...
Marine Habitat Mapping
Published date 2021-11-01JNCC creates and collates marine habitat maps to help target conservation and management of human activities at sea. All our data are published freely. Areas of Work Our marine habitat mapping work fa...
Sustainable global supply chains
Published date 2019-05-22Trade is becoming increasingly global. Within the UK, many of the products we consume or use are imported from overseas. Imports and supply chains, international or local, have impacts on the natura...
Natural capital in the Overseas Territories
Published date 2019-06-20Natural Capital in the Caribbean and South Atlantic Overseas Territories: Valuation, Vulnerability and Monitoring Change The UK Overseas Territories are highly dependent on the natural environment fo...
Habitat Extent
Published date 2019-05-23JNCC works extensively on methods and techniques to support activities involved with assessing habitat extent throughout the UK and Overseas Territories. We work to develop and provide tools and analy...
Razorbill (Alca torda)
Published date 2021-05-20The following has been adapted from original text by Oscar J. Merne & P. Ian Mitchell in Seabird Populations of Britain and Ireland (with permission from A&C Black, London). The razorbill is...
RRS James Cook returns from successful collaborative voyage
Published date 2018-07-31On Friday 6 July, the RRS James Cook sailed into Southampton following a successful three-week expedition to the Celtic Shelf and Bay of Biscay, west of Cornwall. The voyage delivered a unique combina...
North East Faroe-Shetland Channel NCMPA: Blog #3
Published date 2017-10-30Sid the stonecrab left the house early today to get a head start on his early morning seabed scavenge. At these depths there is no natural light, the water is clear and nearly as cold as that at the p...
Workshop Reports and Presentations
Published date 2020-04-29Over the course of this two year project (March 2018–March 2020) on developing a participatory approach to the management of fishing activity in UK offshore MPAs, a series of four workshops were held ...