2298 page results
Wetland Bird Survey
Published date 2024-11-19WeBS is a UK-wide monitoring scheme which targets wildfowl, waders and other waterbirds to produce population abundance and distribution trends and determine important sites for waterbirds in the UK. ...
Breeding Bird Survey
Published date 2024-11-19BBS is the main monitoring scheme for recording common breeding birds in the UK. The data are used to create UK-wide population trends for 119 bird species, and country or regional trends for those sp...
National Bat Monitoring Programme
Published date 2024-11-19The NBMP is the only UK-wide programme that monitors bats and changes to their populations. There are 17 resident bat species in the UK, and the data gathered by hundreds of dedicated volunteers enabl...
Collaborative working
Published date 2024-11-19Collaborative and partnership working is integral to most of our biodiversity monitoring. Our terrestrial monitoring schemes are run in partnership with non-governmental organisations, statutory bodie...
Seabird Monitoring
Published date 2023-11-16Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been circulating in seabirds throughout summer 2022 and has caused concerning levels of mortality in some species. Our advice to BTO/JNCC Seabird Monitorin...
TSDA Phase 1
Published date 2024-11-19The Terrestrial Surveillance Development and Analysis (TSDA) partnership was established in 2017 and comprises two phases, the first of which ran from 2017-2022 and explored a wide range of topics. Su...
Seabird Monitoring Programme
Published date 2024-11-19The SMP assesses the status of Britain and Ireland’s internationally important seabird populations by monitoring trends in their abundance and productivity at both coastal and inland sites. Additional...
Guidelines for selection of SSSIs
Published date 2024-11-27Rationale, Operational approach and criteria, Detailed guidelines for habitats and species groups.Part Two of the guidelines is being revised. Introduction The Guidelines for the Selection of Biologic...
UKBI - Value of subsidies and other incentives harmful to biodiversity
Published date 2024-12-10Last updated: 2024 The existing set of UK Biodiversity Indicators was specifically developed to enable the UK to report progress against the Aichi targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CB...
UKBI - Biodiversity and business
Published date 2024-12-10Last updated: 2024Latest data available: 2023The number of indicators published as part of the Biodiversity Indicators suite will increase as new indicators are developed in response to the Kunming-Mo...