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5291 resource results

Offshore SAC Designation Process

Published date 2015 Size 33.65 KB File type pdf

 Area of Search fulfils the Annex III SAC Selection Criteria  Boundary is delineated and draft documentation supporting recommendation of the area as an SAC prepared  Inter-Agency Marine Protected ...

Red Data Books of Britain and Ireland: Stoneworts

Published date 1992 Size 15.49 MB File type pdf

JO INT� NATUREVM/ CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Red Data Books of Britain and Ireland: Stoneworts by .F. Stewart and J.M. Church 1992 !SB I 873701 24 I Copyright 1992 The Joint Nature Conservation Committee ...

JNCC Report 732: Review of data used to calculate avoidance rates for collision risk modelling of seabirds - Review of data used to calculate avoidance rates for collision risk modelling of seabirds

Published date 2023-03 Size 2.43 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report 732 Review of data used to calculate avoidance rates for collision risk modelling of seabirds Luke Ozsanlav-Harris, Richard Inger & Richard Sherley March 2023 © JNCC, Peterborough 2023 ISS...

East of Haig Fras MPA: Supplementary Advice on the Conservation Objectives (SACO) - East of Haig Fras MCZ Supplementary Advice on Conservation Objectives

Published date 2021-01 Size 676.49 KB File type pdf

Supplementary Advice on Conservation Objectives for East of Haig Fras Marine Conservation Zone January 2021 1 Contents Introduction ......................................

Methods of analysis for production of indices of abundance and estimation of productivity

Published date 2014 Size 158.07 KB File type pdf

Methods of analysis for production of indices of abundance and estimation of productivity Abundance Abundance data comprised counts from within the Seabird Monitoring Programme (between 1986 and the p...

JNCC FOI 201808

Published date 2018-04-10 Size 168.64 KB File type pdf

Freedom of Information A breakdown of courier company expenditure For a Link to the FOI/EIR page visit: For further information about the Joint Nature C...

Consultation report on the proposed boundary amendments of Braemar Pockmarks and Scanner Pockmark SACs (2018)

Published date 2018-03 File type Other

The documents referred to below relate to the Scanner Pockmark MPA, and include:* Standard Data Form – provides details about the SAC and the designated features.* SAC Selection Assessment Document – ...

Habitat Suitability Model for Zostera marina beds

Published date 2020-03-09 Size 3.18 MB File type zip

This dataset was produced using an ensemble modelling approach, utilising the random forest algorithm to predict habitat suitability of Zostera marina beds across the UK. Habitat suitability models re...

References, Mineral index & General index - GCR Series No. 36: Mineralization of England and Wales: References, Mineral index & General index

Published date 2010 Size 31.07 MB File type pdf

Mineralization of England and males R.E. Bevins Department of Geology, National Museum Wales, Cardiff B. Young Department of Earth Sciences, University of Durham (formerly British Geological Survey) J...

Chapter 4: South Pennine Orefield: Cheshire, Leicestershire and Shropshire - GCR Series No. 36: Mineralization of England and Wales: Chapter 4 (South Pennine Orefield: Cheshire, Leicestershire and Shropshire)

Published date 2010 Size 23.83 MB File type pdf

Mineralization of England and males R.E. Bevins Department of Geology, National Museum Wales, Cardiff B. Young Department of Earth Sciences, University of Durham (formerly British Geological Survey) J...

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