5392 resource results
Burrowed mud, inshore deep mud with burrowing heart urchins and offshore deep-sea muds (draft) - Scottish MPA Project Draft Fisheries Management Guidance: Burrowed mud
Published date 2014 Size 98.43 KB File type pdfDraft Advice Scottish MPAs and fisheries BURROWED MUD, INSHORE DEEP MUD WITH BURROWING HEART URCHINS and OFFSHORE DEEP SEA MUDS Document version control Version 0 Date prepared 06/01/2012 Tom Blasdale...
Deep-sea sponge aggregations - Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance: Deep-sea Sponge Aggregations
Published date 2014 Size 90.05 KB File type pdf1 Based on Version 1.1 of the fisheries management guidance Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance DEEP-SEA SPONGE AGGREGATIONS JULY 20131 The fisheries management guidance has been produc...
Flameshell beds - Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance: Flame Shell Beds
Published date 2014 Size 119.71 KB File type pdf1 Based on Version 1.1 of the fisheries management guidance Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance FLAME SHELL BEDS JULY 20131 The fisheries management guidance has been produced to provid...
Sandeels - Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance: Sandeels (Ammodytes marinus and A. tobianus)
Published date 2014 Size 145.71 KB File type pdfScottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance Sandeels (Ammodytes marinus and A. tobianus) July 2014 The fisheries management guidance has been produced to provide advice on the impact various fi...
Seamount communities - Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance: Seamount Communities
Published date 2014 Size 93.5 KB File type pdf1 Based on Version 1.1 of the fisheries management guidance Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance SEAMOUNT COMMUNITIES JULY 20131 The fisheries management guidance has been produced to pr...
A full list of references supporting the fisheries guidance - References supporting the JNCC and SNH Fisheries Management Guidance Documents
Published date 2014 Size 739.76 KB File type pdfThe evidence behind these guidance documents is comprised of a mix of peer reviewed scientific studies, conservation agency scientific reports and assessments, and ICES working group reports. Adey, 20...
Sand Dune Vegetation Survey of Great Britain: A national inventory. Part 1: England
Published date 1993 File type OtherSand dunes are one of a series of habitats that in Britain are almost entirely restricted to the coast. This report forms Part 2 of a three-part series, describing the sand dune vegetation of Great Br...
Wales Prioritised Action Framework
Published date 2016 File type OtherThe Prioritised Action Framework for Natura 2000 (PAF) was a planning tool that aimed to integrate financing for the Natura 2000 network into EU financial instruments for the period 2014 to 2020. Comp...
Offshore Prioritised Action Framework - Prioritised Action Framework: UK Offshore Annex
Published date 2016 Size 223.39 KB File type pdf1 Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora and Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the con...
JNCC Bulletin June 2022 (PDF format) - JNCC Bulletin June 2022
Published date 2022-07-27 Size 994 KB File type pdfJune 2022 JNCC Bulletin ] JNCC works across land and sea with partners in the UK, the UK Overseas Territories and around the world. We’ve recently collaborated with the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) o...