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5291 resource results

JNCC Report No. 636: Cruise report Survey 1013S - Cruise report Survey 1013S: MRV Scotia - Survey of Pobie Bank Reef cSAC, 22 August – 7 September 2013

Published date 2019-10-11 Size 3.28 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report No. 636 Cruise report Survey 1013S: MRV Scotia - Survey of Pobie Bank Reef cSAC 22 August – 7 September 2013 Parry, M. & Robertson, M. October 2019 © JNCC, Peterborough 2019 ISSN 0963-8091...

JNCC Report No. 626 (Rev1): UK wildlife trade report: an analysis of trade in CITES specimens (2012-16) – Executive Summary - UK wildlife trade report: an analysis of trade in CITES specimens (2012-16) - Executive Summary

Published date 2019-06 Size 1.05 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report No. 626 (Rev1) UK wildlife trade report: an analysis of trade in CITES specimens (2012-16) Executive Summary Pavitt, A., Britton-Williams, N., Chadwick, W., Banks, S.E., McLardy, C., Malsc...

Region 13. Northern Irish Sea: Colwyn Bay to Stranraer, including the Isle of Man - Coasts and seas of the United Kingdom. Region 13: Northern Irish Sea

Published date 1998 Size 6.06 MB File type pdf

Coasts and seas of the United Kingdom Region 13 Northern Irish Sea Colwyn Bay to Stranraer, including the Isle of Man edited by J.H. Barne, C.F. Robson, S.S. Kaznowska, J.P. Doody & N.C. Davidson Join...

JNCC Report No. 557: Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Shallow Sublittoral Mud Habitats to Inform Indicator Selection - Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Shallow Sublittoral Mud Habitats to Inform Indicator Selection

Published date 2015-06 Size 897.57 KB File type pdf

JNCC Report No: 557 Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Shallow Sublittoral Mud Habitats to Inform Indicator Selection Coates, D.A., Alexander, D., Stafford, R. & Herbert, R.J.H. June 2015 © JNCC, Pete...

Hatton Bank MPA: Background Document - Background to JNCC’s formal conservation advice for UK offshore Special Areas of Conservation

Published date 2018-03 Size 417.22 KB File type pdf

Background to JNCC’s formal conservation advice for UK offshore Special Areas of Conservation March 2018 1 What the conservation advice package includes...

North Anglesey Marine MPA: Natura 2000 Standard Data Form

Published date 2019 File type Other

The documents referred to below relate to the North Anglesey Marine MPA, and include:* SAC Selection Assessment Document – Provides an overview of the SAC, designation feature, and rationale for site ...

North Anglesey Marine MPA: Conservation Objectives and Advice on Operations - North Anglesey Marine SAC: Conservation Objectives And Advice On Operations

Published date 2019 Size 1.28 MB File type pdf

Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Special Area of Conservation: North Anglesey Marine/ Gogledd Môn Forol Conservation Objectives and Advice on Operations March 2019 Advice under Regulation 21 of Th...

Identifying the remaining MCZ site options that would fill big gaps in the existing MPA network around England and offshore waters of Wales & Northern Ireland

Published date 2015 File type Other

The suite of documents was part of JNCC's scientific advice on the offshore Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) considered for designation by Defra in 2016. The sites considered constitute the offshore c...

JNCC Report No. 519: An independent quality assurance of evidence assessments undertaken by JNCC for possible Tranche 2 rMCZs

Published date 2015 File type Other

The suite of documents was part of JNCC's scientific advice on the offshore Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) considered for designation by Defra in 2016. The sites considered constitute the offshore c...

JNCC Report No. 719: Towards better estimates of Manx shearwater and European storm-petrel population abundance and trends, demographic rates and at-sea distribution and behaviour - Towards better estimates of Manx shearwater and European storm-petrel population abundance and trends, demographic rates and at-sea distribution and behaviour

Published date 2022-07-29 Size 1.7 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report No. 719 Towards better estimates of Manx shearwater and European storm-petrel population abundance and trends, demographic rates and at-sea distribution and behaviour Baker, B., Meadows. M...

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