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5291 resource results

Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope MPA: Business Regulatory Impact Assessment

Published date 2014-07 File type Other

The documents referred to below, relating to Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope MPA were produced during the site selection and designation process.The information available here includes:* Site Summar...

Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope MPA: Site Summary Document

Published date 2014-07 Size 3.95 MB File type pdf

Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope Marine Protected Area © J N C C , M ar in e Sc ot la nd S ci en ce A descent down the continental slope into the deep ocean Located off north-west Scotland, the Geikie...

JNCC Report 530: Appendix 4 – Deep Sea Infauna Dendrogram - JNCC Report No. 530: Deep-sea Infauna Dendrogram

Published date 2015-03 Size 2.23 MB File type pdf

S im ila rit y % 0 20 40 60 80 100 NE Atlantic and Faroe-Shetland Channel Fauna A B C D E F G H I J K

Chapter 7: English Midlands - GCR Series No. 11. British Upper Carboniferous Stratigraphy: Chapter 7 (English Midlands)

Published date 1996 Size 9.06 MB File type pdf

British Upper Carboniferous Stratigraphy C.J. Cleal and B.A. Thomas Department of Botany National Museum of Wales, Cardiff GCR Editor: L.P. Thomas JOINT ----- CONSERVATION COMMITTEE CHAPMAN & HALL Lon...

JNCC Report No. 480: Cetacean monitoring effort carried out by voluntary NGOs in UK waters - Cetacean monitoring effort carried out by voluntary NGOs in UK waters (JNCC Report No. 480)

Published date 2013-09 Size 2.41 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report No. 480 Cetacean monitoring effort carried out by voluntary NGOs in UK waters Anderwald, P., Ansamann, I., Baines, M., Baulch, S., Evans, P.G.H., Nuuttila, H., & Pesante, G. September 2013...

JNCC Report No. 347: The Irish Sea Pilot: Report on the identification of nationally important marine areas in the Irish Sea - The Irish Sea Pilot: Report on the identification of nationally important marine areas in the Irish Sea (JNCC Report No. 347)

Published date 2004 Size 7.33 MB File type pdf

THE IRISH SEA PILOT Report on the identification of nationally important marine areas in the Irish Sea Louise M. Lieberknecht, Josie Carwardine, David W. Connor, Malcolm A. Vincent, Steve M. Atkins an...

JNCC Report No. 642: Summary of evidence of aggregations of Balearic shearwaters in the UK up to 2013 - Summary of evidence of aggregations of Balearic shearwaters in the UK up to 2013

Published date 2019-11-01 Size 2.31 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report No. 642 Summary of evidence of aggregations of Balearic shearwaters in the UK up to 2013 Parsons. M.a, Bingham, C.b, Allcock, Z.c & Kuepfer, A.d November 2019 © JNCC, Peterborough 2019 ISS...

JNCC Report No. 507: Developing an interim technical definition for Coral Gardens specific for UK waters - Developing an interim technical definition for Coral Gardens specific for UK waters and its subsequent application to verify suspected records

Published date 2014 Size 2.77 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report No: 507 Developing an interim technical definition for Coral Gardens specific for UK waters and its subsequent application to verify suspected records Lea-Anne Henry & J. Murray Roberts Fe...

Presentation 6: Soil Moisture Monitoring in Romania.pdf (slides) - Hyrometeorological analysis o Romanian flash-flood events

Published date 2020-07-15 Size 4.26 MB File type pdf

Soil Moisture data use for environmental monitoring in Romania Anişoara IRIMESCU National Meteorological Administration Remote Sensing & GIS Laboratory Soil Moisture Virtual Workshop 14/15 July 2020 O...

UK BAP Priority Habitat Description: Lowland Heathland - Lowland heathland (UK BAP Priority Habitat description)

Published date 2008 Size 70.99 KB File type pdf

UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Habitat Descriptions Lowland Heathland From: UK Biodiversity Action Plan; Priority Habitat Descriptions. BRIG (ed. Ant Maddock) 2008. This document is available fr...

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