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5291 resource results

Day 2, Session 3: Benthic imagery catalogues - BIG PICTURE II Workshop. Day 2, Session 3: Benthic imagery catalogues

Published date 2021-03 Size 2.68 MB File type pdf Benthic imagery catalogues Graeme Duncan 03 March 2021 Image catalogues Image catalogues How do we structure this? Centralisation vs Distributed Centralisation vs Distributed...

JNCC Report No. 686: The BIG PICTURE II: Benthic Imagery Workshop Report

Published date 2021-03 File type Other

JNCC hosted The BIG PICTURE II: Benthic Imagery Workshop 2021 on 2, 3 & 4 March 2021. The three-day workshop brought together a wide group of stakeholders from across the marine monitoring community, ...

North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef MPA: Background Document - Background to JNCC’s formal conservation advice for UK offshore Special Areas of Conservation

Published date 2017-12 Size 381.88 KB File type pdf

Background to JNCC’s formal conservation advice for UK offshore Special Areas of Conservation December 2017 1 What the conservation advice package inclu...

Seabird numbers and breeding success in Britain and Ireland, 2000

Published date 2008 Size 947.46 KB File type pdf

Please note: the content of this PDF file is taken from archive holdings, and has been rendered to produce the best possible output. However, you may experience fluctuations in quality due to these fi...

Seabird numbers and breeding success in Britain and Ireland, 1996

Published date 2008 Size 785.22 KB File type pdf

Please note: the content of this PDF file is taken from archive holdings, and has been rendered to produce the best possible output. However, you may experience fluctuations in quality due to these fi...

JNCC Report No. 675: Evidence priorities for marine mammals in relation to the OWEC Programme

Published date 2021-06 Size 62.07 KB File type xlsx

The Crown Estate and UK Government (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, BEIS) have formed a partnership, the Offshore Wind Evide...

JNCC Report No. 675: Review of priority evidence needs around the impact of offshore wind development on key receptors and research underway - Review of priority evidence needs around the impact of offshore wind development on key receptors and research underway

Published date 2021-06 Size 569.35 KB File type pdf

JNCC Report No. 675 Review of priority evidence needs around the impact of offshore wind development on key receptors and research underway A report for the Offshore Wind Evidence and Change Programme...

UK's 6th National Report to the CBD: Overview of the UK Assessments of Progress for the Aichi Targets - 6th National Report to the CBD – UK: Overview of the UK Assessments of Progress for the Aichi Targets

Published date 2019-03-11 Size 505.09 KB File type pdf

Sixth National Report to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Overview of the UK Assessments of Progress for the Aichi Targets Ma...

Bottlenose Dolphin Management Unit shapefiles (2023)

Published date 2023-03 Size 6.4 MB File type zip

In 2015, the Inter-Agency Marine Mammal Working Group (IAMMWG) defined Management Units (MUs) for the seven most common cetacean species found in UK waters (JNCC Report 547, IAMMWG 2015). This report ...

Harbour Porpoise Management Unit shapefiles (2023)

Published date 2023-03 Size 4.14 MB File type zip

In 2015, the Inter-Agency Marine Mammal Working Group (IAMMWG) defined Management Units (MUs) for the seven most common cetacean species found in UK waters (JNCC Report 547, IAMMWG 2015). This report ...

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